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Kiss & Tell
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


Nur Khairiyyah
getting older every 31.05
First Toa Payoh Primary
Beatty Secondary School
Friendly & Hyper
Love Me & I'll Love You
Hate Me & I'll Hate You



Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Good results
More Friends
Own laptop
new clothes
new wallet
in 2NA in 2009
be in the same class as my best friends in 2009
cut my hair
spongebob toys
new memory card for PSP
more tee shirts
contact lense
LCP rank
crumpler bag
singapore flyer
pass my mid year exam
Coperal rank
Pass at least one of my maths test(i know i cant achieve this)
Nike bottle
Class identity<
Hong Kong Trip


ShoutMix chat widget




2 Jan:Serene
3 Jan:C.Teng Teng
3 Jan:Jefferey
6 Jan:Hafiz
11 Jan:Khaiyirah
1 Feb:Ain Aziz
1 Feb:Nadirah
12 Feb:Yvette&Keshini
13 Feb:Jien En
14 Feb:Akmal
28 Feb:Ahmad Asyraf&Jeaphony
2 March:Firdaus
27 March:Hezlynne
15 April:Ekbadin
23 April:Kak Adah
24 April:Li Jia
2 May:Zalifa
5 May:Shirin
7 May:Khairil
12 May:Soleha
15 May:Pine Soe
19 May:Jas
24 May:Kak Dee
26 May:XinYi
28 May:Khalieshah
30 May:Syafiqah&Aiman
31 May:My birthday
8 June:Jay
19 June:Sholihiin
20 June:Thenesh
25 June:Andy
26 June:Abg Azmir
2 July:Jamie
3 July:Syami
13 July:Ain
16 July:Ivan
17 July:Yazid
28 July:Pei Nee
8 August:Gabriel
8 August:Aaron
12 August:Saras
28 August:Aizat&Solihin
31 August:Rahul
12 September:Kak Asiqin
19 September:Haziq
29 September:Reno
16 October:Abg Ashraf
10 November:Shahrul
15 November:Junita
18 November:Kelly
19 November:Sahiddah
23 November:Danial
28 November:Boi
2 December:Riz
6 December:Gader
10 December:Wirdy
11 December:Rachel
21 December:Nurul
26 December:Qian Wen
31 December:Pamela

do tag and tell me if i miss out any of your birthday(:


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
November 2010



Layout Designer:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Where were you 3 hours ago?
still in sch??

Who are you in love with?
Must I tell u??

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
purple,red or blue

Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
my sis shirt(:

How many pillows do you sleep with?
2 and my bby pooh(:

Are you wearing socks right now?
in home wear socks for wat??

Have you ever been searched by the cops?
nvr do any criminals wat.

When is the last time you drove out of town?
i forgot when lah.

Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?

Are you hot?
why must u ask this kind of question??

What was the last thing you had to drink?

What are you wearing right now?
shorts n T-shirt(:

Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
i am underaged to have my own licence.my father have a car.nt me(:

If you're driving in the middle of the night, no one is watching, do you run red?
one thing for u to knw,I DON'T DRIVE

Where were you last week at this time?
in sch??

How often do you remember your dreams?
nt sure

When is the last time you ran?
this morning.running aft my fren.

What is the last sporting event you watched?

What is your favorite animal?
i'm allergic to it.

What is your dream vacation?

Last person's house you were in?
Can't remember

Worst injury you've ever had?
I fell down and blood came running out from my leg non-stop(:

Have you narrowly avoided a fatal accident?

do you miss anyone right now?
erm...nt sure...

What do yo wear to bed?
whatever i am wearing now

What do yo wear to bed?
nvr think of it??

What are your plans for tonight?
nt sure??wat comes on my mind i will do dat thing

Who is the last person you sent a Myspace message or comment to?
i don't have any MySpace account

Next trip you are going to take?
nt sure

Were you on the honor roll student in school?

What do you want to know about the future?
my life

Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

Do you sing in front of the mirror?
wat do you think??

Where is your close friend?
at sky tower(:

How is your close friend?
same attitude as me!

Do you have a tan?
nt at this point of time

What are you listening to right now?
One Step At A Time

Do you collect anything?
i dont think so(:

Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
abt smthing??

Last time you were stopped by a cop or pulled over?
dont have this kind of experience

Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?

What does your last text message say?
i deleted my msgs.so cant remember(:

Do you like hot sauce?

last time you took a shower?
a moment ago

Do you need to do laundry?

What's your heritage?
i think malay lah

Are you someone's best friend?
guess so lah...

Are you rich?
i am an average person ok...

What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
sleeping soundly(:

First thing you'd do if you won the power ball?
wth is this??

How do you flush the toilet in public?
stupid question.press the button lah n the water will go Whosh!!!

Do you wear your seat belt?
if i am sitting in the front...

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:27 PM

2day sch was so boring.kena scolding by literature teacher.all ain fault lah.also my fault lah.me, nurul n ain was punish n was asked to stand outside the class.we kena punish becoz i n nurul help haziq get back his pencil box from haziq.then ain get to noe.then ain want the pencil box back.then nurul throw to me.then i want to throw to haziq but teacher saw.then teacher call us stand outside.haziq was like guilty becoz me n nurul must stand outside although we nvr do anything wrong.we were juz trying to help him get back his pencil box from ain!!!is it wrong?!u imagine how to do ur work without any pencil wif u becoz ur pencil box was taken by ur fren??can u imagine??so wat i did was right n this is wat i get aft helping somebody??wat the hell is this?!stupid teacher.then haziq keep asking nurul to ask me if i angry wif him or not.then i keep saying idk.actually i also dont noe of i angry wif him or not.i juz helping him getting back his pencil box wat.not wrong wat doing dat kind of things.stupid teacher.nvr use brain.end this here.

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:56 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008

doing survey again...

Do you want to grow old with someone or be single?
Wif someone lah

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
In school

What were you doing in last 30 minutes?

What was something that happened to you in 1998?
Still so small.Cannot remember wat i doing lah.

If you were stranded on an island with the person you hated and without food what would you do?
Eat that person up.jkjk.go find food lah.

When someone catches your eye, do you try to make an eye contact or avoid it?
Make eye contact

What color is your comb?

What was the last thing you bought?
Green Tea

How do you know when you're in love?
When I always think abt the person I like.

Have you been to China?

Where do you keep your money?

Do you like peanut butter?

Have you been to the USA?

Last dream you had?
Cannot remember lah.

The thing you love about relationship?
Have someone to share my problems with

The thing you love about being single?
Nt sure abt it.

Would you give up a dream for someone you loved?

Do you wanna cut your hair?

one thing you could change in your life?
Nth in me dat i wanna change.

Do you talk a lot?
Yes if I noe dat person.

Best movie you've seen from the past 2 weeks?

Last thing you ate?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Favorite ice cream?
Chocolate and Strawberry

Could you date someone who has been only your friend for a long time?
Sure...why not

Are you typically a jealous person?
Nt really

Is there such thing as perfect relationship?

How important is "trust"?
very2 important

Do you believe that love is lovelier the second time around?

Is looking good important?
nt dat important

Do you chew on your straws?

What are you going to do after this?

The kind of person you're first attracted to ?
The kind and honest one...

What are your plans for the weekend?
nt sure

What is something you say a lot?
Kau gile eh...

How many hours did you sleep last night?
Around 5 i guess...i sleep i nvr count lah how many hours...

Do you have to work tomorrow?
I dont even have a job...

Do you notice when someone is staring at you from across the room?
Yes...my eyes are sharp...

Who make you mad today?
nobody at this moment...

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:50 PM

2day went back to sch...
report to sch late today...
everybody was waiting outside the class...
in the end the classroom was open...
we sat according to our register number today....
all so eager for exams...
then science lesson was boring...
aft dat was recess...
stay in class...
aft dat was maths...
did nth much...
then MT...
did the same thing..
then eng...
did the same thing also..
then this is the best part....
mr boo came in to our class becoz we made alot of noise...
then he scold us becoz that was his third time coming in to our class...
so he told us nt to have our PE lesson today n we were suppose to sit outside the general office until the sch end...
we sit there until ppl who walk pass us keep asking why we sit there...
we juz ignore them...
then in the end the girls was dismissed first then the boys...
then went to the library wif gader,nurul,haziq and nadirah...
we made alot of noise in the library...
then follow nadirah walk around the central while the others went to sky...

♥our lips must always be sealed
5:15 PM

Friday, September 19, 2008

doing this survey now...

Who is in the house with you?
My 2 younger sis,my grandparents
Who are you thinking about now?
Who did you last talk to on the phone?
Who was your favorite teacher?
Nt sure of it
Who's birthday is next?
Abg Ashraf
Who was the last person you told you love them?
Who do you wish you were with right now?
Nt sure
Who's your favorite relative?
Kak Hammadah n Kak Nadhirah

Where are you schooling?
Beatty Sec
Where do you live?
Toa Payoh
Where is your phone?
Beside me
Where are your parents?
Both working
Where do you sleep?
Of course in my room
Where do you shop the most?
Nt sure
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Pri sch
Where did you last take a car ride to?
Where in your house are you?
Living room
What was the last thing you ate?
My medicines
What was the last thing you drank?
Plain water
What color pants are you wearing?
What kind of cell phone do you have?
What is the closest item near you that is blue?
What is your favorite colour?
What messaging service do you use?
wat the hack is this??
What is your most used away message?
What is your favorite website?
friendster and blogger
What is your favorite shoe brand?
Nt sure
What do you wear more; jeans or shorts?
What is the last movie watched?
Can't remember
What song do you currently hear?

Why are you taking this survey?
For fun??
Why do you have a xanga?
Why does basically half the world have a myspace?
Because it is spacious.haha.jkjk.idk
Why are your best friends your best friends?
Because the god says they are my best friends
Why is wood brown?
Where I know!
Why do the people on the news repeat the same stuff over & over?
They're dumb

When did everyone become obsessed with Friendster?
Where I know
When did you start school?
at the age of 3
When did you meet your good friend?
In school
When did you last go to the mall?
When did you last buy a new pair of pants?
Last Thursday
When did you last burn a candle?
On my birthday??
When were you last at school?
On Wednesday
When did you last see your dad?
This morning
When did you last take a shower?
Just now

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:34 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

on monday sch was oklah...sch started late again...the dunno wat have wat thing lah...so go sch wif wirdy n danial...otw going to wirdy house,saw serene at the traffic light...then reach wirdy house waited for her...then go sch 2gether...then reach sch waited for the class monitor to open the door...they so slow one.then me,wirdy,nurul,gader n haziq keep laughing like mad.then haziq keep singing the opera song n i keep asking him to stop singing becoz later rain lor.but luckily nt raining lah.then mr peter lee came in to our class and ask all of us to stand up n sing the national anthem.we cant even hear dat the national anthem was being played already.so damn soft like wat.the PA system spoil ma.then they play the music from outside.then aft dat got science.must sit wif the lesbian.she keep talking non-stop.so damn irritating.feel like asking her to shut up her mouth or i juz feel like slapping her face.keep talking shit one.no sense also.then was recess.didnt go to the library becoz we do the same old thing over there.so sit at the foyer n do nth.then went back to class n we had maths lesson.all of us stay in the class as ms tan was not around.so mrs ang taught us maths.at least i understand wat mrs ang is teaching.then had MT.do the same old thing.then had english.mr gan nvr come so the 'handsome' teacher(this is wat peinee n wirdy call dat teacher) came in n take our class...then suddenly mr boo came in to our class as we make alot of noise.then he scold us.then the tacher keep smiling2 dunno for wat.then had PE after dat.we did a survey wif contain 68 question.then continue wif our PE lesson aft dat.everybody was suppose to do 30 pushups but mr chan say malay student who r fasting can do 15 pushups.then finish redi we play badminton.i play wif gader then he serve the ball until dunno where.then play wif arvin he dunno shoot at where.then play wif haziq.i n him keep fighting.he say i shoot no gd.then his turn shoot also he shoot like me.then i disturb him back.then today had home econ exam.the practical one.i do alone becoz lqman nvr bring his apron.then in my unit sink there was this one stupid creature sleeping soundly.i ask bisan go see wat was it.then suddenly bisan say it was a big lizard.i run like mad alrady around the food lab.then i go tell mdm huzaifah.she ask ppl to kill the lizard away.aaron was so kind and he help me kill the lizard.i was phobia of dat sink already.then was recess nxt.nvr went anywhere.juz stay inside the class.then had lesson as usual again aft dat...

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:02 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

sch reopen redi...
so good...
can see all my fren...
now everybody is in exam mood...
EOY exam so important for me...
must see my marks...
must do very well for this exam...
yesterday i had my eng oral...
my 1st time having oral in sec sch...
the oral is really diff than the oral i had in pir sch...
the pic for sch sch is a real life pic...
but the pic in pri sch is a "cartoon" version pic...
so many diff...
i really cannot say anything abt the pic...
then went for my NPCC...
went to tanglin police centre...
quite oklah the place...
then reach sch at abt 5 plus...
then went home wif pei nee,nurul n wirdy...

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:40 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008

thnx to wirdy for changing for me my blogskin...
thnx alot...
without her i wont get this kind of blog now...
later going to AMK Hub wif sahiddah...
so i will post until here first...

♥our lips must always be sealed
10:39 AM

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

yesterday was the second day of fasting...it was like so tired noe...canoot eat n drink...somemore my father ask me go popular go buy smthing...then aft dat go NTUC wif my grangmother to buy smthing for us to cook...
then aft break fast my father decided to bring us out...
i did nt follow becoz i want to watch the 9pm show at Suria channel...
when the show start,i was like so concentrate on the show...
haziq msg me n ask me if i watching or nt becoz he was inside dat show...
he was dancing for the light up for hari raya...
when it was his turn to dance,i was so like watching the tv without blinking my eyes...
he was so CUTE when dancing...
no OFFENCE ah...
then the show ended at 10.00pm...
then i play the computer for awhile...
got chance to play i play lah...
nobody noe i play wat...
then at abt 11pm my family came back from their outing...
nvr tell them i use the com for awhile...
if they noe for sure kena scolding from them...

i really2 miss u so much...
juz cant take it anymore...

♥our lips must always be sealed
10:30 AM

Monday, September 1, 2008

so long nvr post redi seh...
lets talk abt last monday until last friday...


go to sch as usual...
got moving monday as usual...
then aft dat got lesson...
then got swimming lesson but i nvr swim becoz so lazy to swim...
got no mood lah...
then aft dat go eat at mc donalds...
then go home...


had lesson as usual in sch...
made rock cake during home econs class...
dunno wat happened to mdm huzaifah...
keep scolding us for nth...
nvr do wrong also kena scolding...
wat lah she...
then had lesson as usual...
then straight away go home aft sch...
i good girl ma...
at night my father go bring us eat outside until 11 plus at night...
reach home at abt 12am...
then need go sch the nxt day lor...


had lesson as usual also...
but smthing happen in class...
guess wat...
ain cried juz becoz mr ang is nt going to teach us anymore!!!
she always like dat one lah...
any teacher going also she cry but dat time mrs lee going she nvr cry becoz she dont like mrs lee wat...
then aft sch got NPCC...
got water activities...
so fun...
my whole shirt wet seh...
hope to have dat kind of activities again...
then aft NPCC go home...
then at night dad n mum decided to go to giant a t tampines...
go there until 10 plus at night...
reach home so tired redi then sleep...

had lesson as usual...
aft sch had chinese class...
then straight away go home...


this was the best day i ever had...
it was TEACHER'S DAY!!!!
we had celebration in sch...
then i went back to FTPPS...
meet all my pri sch fren...
it was FUN!!!
the nreach home at abt 3.00pm...
go back wif nurul...


need to go to simei for some occasion...
i was there until night...
so damn tired seh...
then at my aunt house,i was watching tv...
then suddenly i saw somebody face on tv...
guess wat...
the person is HAZIQ!!!
i was like so shocked to see his face on tv...
then i was like concentrating on the tv...
ppl call me also i nvr hear...
then at abt 9.00pm went home...


nvr go anywhere becoz father working...
then he drive his car to work...
so cannot go anywhere...
hope dat my mother pass her driving as soon as possible...
so dat if my father work my mother still can bring us out...


it was the first day for the muslim ppl to fast...
i was like lazy to go n fast...
but still need to fast wat...
now i very thirst n hungry already...
still have another 3 hours to go..
so juz need to wait until the clock reach 7.00pm then can eat lor...

i miss him alot2 lah...
y must have one week holiday??
can anybody tell me??
no need holiday also can wat...
faster le sch holiday finish...
i want to go sch n meet him liao...
i miss him so much already lah..

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:48 PM