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Kiss & Tell
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


Nur Khairiyyah
getting older every 31.05
First Toa Payoh Primary
Beatty Secondary School
Friendly & Hyper
Love Me & I'll Love You
Hate Me & I'll Hate You



Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Good results
More Friends
Own laptop
new clothes
new wallet
in 2NA in 2009
be in the same class as my best friends in 2009
cut my hair
spongebob toys
new memory card for PSP
more tee shirts
contact lense
LCP rank
crumpler bag
singapore flyer
pass my mid year exam
Coperal rank
Pass at least one of my maths test(i know i cant achieve this)
Nike bottle
Class identity<
Hong Kong Trip


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2 Jan:Serene
3 Jan:C.Teng Teng
3 Jan:Jefferey
6 Jan:Hafiz
11 Jan:Khaiyirah
1 Feb:Ain Aziz
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12 Feb:Yvette&Keshini
13 Feb:Jien En
14 Feb:Akmal
28 Feb:Ahmad Asyraf&Jeaphony
2 March:Firdaus
27 March:Hezlynne
15 April:Ekbadin
23 April:Kak Adah
24 April:Li Jia
2 May:Zalifa
5 May:Shirin
7 May:Khairil
12 May:Soleha
15 May:Pine Soe
19 May:Jas
24 May:Kak Dee
26 May:XinYi
28 May:Khalieshah
30 May:Syafiqah&Aiman
31 May:My birthday
8 June:Jay
19 June:Sholihiin
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25 June:Andy
26 June:Abg Azmir
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3 July:Syami
13 July:Ain
16 July:Ivan
17 July:Yazid
28 July:Pei Nee
8 August:Gabriel
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31 August:Rahul
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19 September:Haziq
29 September:Reno
16 October:Abg Ashraf
10 November:Shahrul
15 November:Junita
18 November:Kelly
19 November:Sahiddah
23 November:Danial
28 November:Boi
2 December:Riz
6 December:Gader
10 December:Wirdy
11 December:Rachel
21 December:Nurul
26 December:Qian Wen
31 December:Pamela

do tag and tell me if i miss out any of your birthday(:


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
November 2010



Layout Designer:

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

so long i never post already.did alot of things for the upcoming year.
went for NPCC Annual Camp for the past 3 days.
the camp was so FUN,EXCITING,INTERESTING but the most worst part is all of us was so TIRED and also all of us had a bad cramp and also a bad ache on our muscle.its been so long since we do our last P.T.so we must exercise more next time hor(:
went to meet teng teng at around 8am to have our breakfast but in the end never go because we not so hungry.so went to buy mineral water at cheers.
after that we went to sit at the playgroud outside school because we reach too early.
at around 8.30am then we went in to school.alot of people reach already.
the first day we went to do CIP at the OLD FOLKS HOME.
the place is just opposite my house.
oh yah..
my group got 6 people altogether.
2 guys and 4 girls
the 6 people are
the IC of our group is
she's the best IC ever!
our group name was MCSPICY!
after the CIP work,Ching Na just arrived to school.
our group was so hyper when she arrived.
she is like our main person in the group.
she is also like our 'power'.
when she came i was so happy.
before she arrived i kept asking about her.
after that we had our drills session.
we learn a new drill on that day.
Benson Sir teach us the new drill.
after that we had our lunch.
we ate fried noodle.
at night for the dinner we have our own cooking.
we were given
so we cook the foods.
we share the foods among us.
then we went to clean the area that we used for the cooking.
we help each other.
after that was showering time!
all of us was waiting for that part.
my partner was Jamie Junior.
then after the showing,we had song session and next was the NIGHT WALK.
to tell you the truth i was scared to go for the night walk because we were suppose to go ALONE!
but i went with guang liang because both of us ws scared and we was the last one to go.
the time was 11.05pm.
1. went to meet Vivien Ma'am at the foyer.
2. proceed to the 2nd level when we saw Meng How Sir and Vanessa Ma'am throwing the mineral water bottles to scare us.
3. then procced to the 3rd level when Haziq Sir jump out and shout "Arrrrr"!
then i shout back.
4. then we to pass by all the classroom when one one of the Ma'am scare us.
i ACCIDENTALLY shouted at her ears.
5. then walk straight when we saw a dustbin.we thought it was empty.so just ignore it but Haidir Sir suddenly pop out from the dust bin.
6. then saw the art room.(it was really scary after hearing Alton Sir story)
follow the arrow.then Xin Hui Ma'am scare us.
7. then follow the tape arrow.clim up the stairs when suddenly Kenny Sir trow the light ball at us.
then he laugh.
8. then he walk infront of us.so we walk at the back.then Neveon Ma'am and Junru Ma'am thought Kenny Sir was us.so they throw the ball at him.then me and Guang Liang laugh.
9.so we walk again.then reach the IT block.then cannot see arrow already.so thought we walk the wrong way but then saw Emily Ma'am hair.then we say we saw ready.
10. so we procced to the 2nd level because saw Kenny Sir walk there.
11. then saw the word 'END'.
then we had our briefing for the tomorrow morning.
then we went to sleep.
Me and Ching Na never sleep because we had our Sentry Duty at 1AM.
the other group also have their Sentry Duty but at different timing.
GROUP 1: 12am-12.30am
GROUP 2: 12.30am-1am
GROUP 3: 1am-1.30am
GROUP 4: 1.30am-2am
the sentry duty was fun.we did alot of new things.
then after the Sentry Duty we went to have our sleep.
we really have a very good sleep.
but still tired lah.
woke up at 5.30am.
then went to the toilet to wash up ourself.
then went to fall in at 5.45am.
we fall in too early but it is a good start lah.
then we had our P.T session.
it was tough.
we run the parade square alot of time until my leg want to break already lah.
after our P.T,had our breakfast.
it was bread and kaya.
our group is the first to finish the whole loaf of bread.
after that we had our game session.
before that we have a competition of the catapolt game(i think correct spelling lah)
we were asked to make our own 'weapon' using the Poles & Mass Tin.
before we throw the water bomb,Neveon Ma'am gave us a cookie.
she say it is a NCO love.
but in the end our group won the game.
my partner was Ching Na.
we were like the best partner on Earth!
so the partner are
Ching Na&Khairiyyah
Pamela&Yi Lin
Guang Liang&Jive
Ching Na give me the best and clear direction.
Elton Sir,Wei Siang Sir,Justin Sir make us confused in which direction to go.
we try to find a solution to get to the other end using two cardboard.
then Yi Lin gave us a good idea and we used it and it really work.
Ching Na and me was the first to partner to get wet with the water(:
then we take turns.
we were suppose to use a bucket to collect as much water bomb into the bucket.
then Kenny Sir threw a pail of water onto Ching Na.
we were given 40 mins to find the 6 light sticks which was hidden around the school and also find the right NCO.
each group have different colour of light sticks to find.
Group 1:white colour
Group 2:Orange colour
Group 3:Yellow colour
Group 4:Red colour
we quickly find all the light sticks around the school and we were the first group to come back early with all the 6 light sticks.
and we also found the correct NCO.
the NCO was Kenny Sir.
and our group won the game.
this was best.
we must sit on the balloon and burst it.
then must use our cheeks,nose,chin to push the flour and use our mouth to take the pin pong ball from the flour.
my whole face was covered with flour and the flour taste nice!
then we go wash up.
we were given instruction to step on the poncho and we must over turn it.
then we try alot of ways to over turn it and in the end we succeed in it.
then play the chair game.
1. were asked to changed our position according to our height.
2. change our position according to our birthday.
then we play the number game.
it was difficult to untangled our hands.
then we went to the foyer to fall in.
we were all ready to go for the hiking at Kent Ridge Park.
then we walk all the way to Henderson Waves.
before that we ate Mc Donalds.
then we walk all the way to Henderson Waves.
reach there we see the view.
it was nice when its dark.
then went back to school.
had our shower.then went to sleep.
we must assemble at the parade square for our P.T session.
our legs we all pain already.
some of us cannot run already but we force ourself.
luckily i woke everyone up.(:
Khairiyyah: (woke Ching Na up) now what time??
Ching Na: (still half asleep) go see the clock show what time now??
Khairiyyah: (shine the torch light at the clock) now 5.30am already
Jamie Junior: (switch on all the lights)
Everyone: woke up
so went to the toilet to wash up.
then went to the parade square but too early.
so went to the foyer and sit for awhile.
then had P.T session.
then had captain ball game.
group 1 & group 2 combined group
group 3 & group 4 combined group
so we start the game.
then after that the NCOS and the campers battle in the game.
in the end the NCOS won the game.
after that had our breakfast.
then we had the area cleaning and the bunk cleaning.
then we bring down our bags.
then we had the prize presentation.
our group won the Best Teamwork(:
then we break camp.
the camp was damn fun(:
i learn alot of thing s from the camp.
we were more united and also we had fun together.

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:37 PM

Friday, December 5, 2008


sushi sushi sushi

the big spongebob(bought it at malacca)

the small spongebob(bought it at malacca)


hey sushi

the christmas tree at vivo

bukit chandu museum

the new firewomen

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:34 PM

my parents took a one week leave to bring us for a holiday in malaysia.actually we havent even decide anything yet or even book a hotel in malaysia.on the tuesday we went to bukit chandu and also singapore civil defence museum.we went for fun only.after dat we went to eat sushi at downtown east.will sow u the pics later.after dat on wednesday had no idea where to go.so we went to army meseum at singapore discovery centre there.fun sia the place.after dat went to vivo to take some pics.then we walk over there.after dat send my cousins back.then we went home.reach home never prepare anything for tomorrow.the next day wake up my father say he book a hotel at desaru there.then we quickly pack our things.after dat rush to desaru.

reach desaru change then went to the beach.me and my siblings play with the sands.after dat we went to the swimming pool.we swim all we want.around 7 plus we went to had our diner at bandar penawar.we want to find a place to eat also damn difficult.

the next day we went to my grandmother cousin house at adela.the place damn inside lah.her curry puff damn nice.then went bck to our hotel and we went to swim again.we had dinner at the hotel only.

the next day we were suppose to come back to Singapore but my father drove up to Malacca.we havent even book any hotel there.so we went from one hotel to another just to ask if there is any room available.in the end we found a room at orkid hotel near the town area.

then we had dinner in the hotel.the hotel that we stay can see the eye on malaysia.then the next day we went to buy some souveniors for my cousins.then i went to buy two spongebob toys.one is big and the other one is small.then we went to eat outside.

then the next day we went back to Singapore.

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:09 PM