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Kiss & Tell
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


Nur Khairiyyah
getting older every 31.05
First Toa Payoh Primary
Beatty Secondary School
Friendly & Hyper
Love Me & I'll Love You
Hate Me & I'll Hate You



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Good results
More Friends
Own laptop
new clothes
new wallet
in 2NA in 2009
be in the same class as my best friends in 2009
cut my hair
spongebob toys
new memory card for PSP
more tee shirts
contact lense
LCP rank
crumpler bag
singapore flyer
pass my mid year exam
Coperal rank
Pass at least one of my maths test(i know i cant achieve this)
Nike bottle
Class identity<
Hong Kong Trip


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3 Jan:C.Teng Teng
3 Jan:Jefferey
6 Jan:Hafiz
11 Jan:Khaiyirah
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12 Feb:Yvette&Keshini
13 Feb:Jien En
14 Feb:Akmal
28 Feb:Ahmad Asyraf&Jeaphony
2 March:Firdaus
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23 April:Kak Adah
24 April:Li Jia
2 May:Zalifa
5 May:Shirin
7 May:Khairil
12 May:Soleha
15 May:Pine Soe
19 May:Jas
24 May:Kak Dee
26 May:XinYi
28 May:Khalieshah
30 May:Syafiqah&Aiman
31 May:My birthday
8 June:Jay
19 June:Sholihiin
20 June:Thenesh
25 June:Andy
26 June:Abg Azmir
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3 July:Syami
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16 July:Ivan
17 July:Yazid
28 July:Pei Nee
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29 September:Reno
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23 November:Danial
28 November:Boi
2 December:Riz
6 December:Gader
10 December:Wirdy
11 December:Rachel
21 December:Nurul
26 December:Qian Wen
31 December:Pamela

do tag and tell me if i miss out any of your birthday(:


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
November 2010



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Thursday, February 26, 2009

sori to anyone who is not malay.
i am posting this in malay.
sori if u could not read it.

eh p0mpan!aku masih tk puas hati dgn kau lah sial!kau ckp sori dgn aku p0n tk gune.kau nye sori semua topeng lah eh.aku tau lah aku salah tapi kau p0n salah jugak pe.tk semua org yg baik ok.kau ingat kau perfect sgt ke pe.kau sur0h aku tgk diri aku kat cermin kan.kau p0n tgk diri kau kat cermin ah.kau tgk kau byk perfect ke tk.dh bag0s aku blg kau ape yg aku tk suke psl kau and ape aku nk kau change ok.kalau aku bukan kwn yg baik aku tk kan buat nie semua lah!
kau ckp aku tak0t nk blg kau nie semua depan2 kau.kau sendiri p0n ape.depan aku kat nk act kau kwn aku lah ckp kite fren lah tapi blakang aku kau ckp semua yg tk baik psl aku.nie kau kata kwn.kalau kwn tk mcm nie lah.semua ckp dari depan tk de dari blakang lah.aku blh ckp depan kau tapi kau tgk je lah ape yg kau akan dpt bile aku ckp depan2 kau!!

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:26 PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

is it my fault???
why does everybody in this world must fight??
can't we have any peace??
can't we like not quarrel or fight for a day or a month or a year or even for the whole life???
it really irritates and it also make your studies getting bad.
even relationship with friends are getting more worse.
if you think youu think your are that person please change your character.

i really must write this in malay.
sorry to whoever whom does not understand what am i writing.

pls lah kau.aku tau aku salah tapi kau p0n kene tgk kau nye mistake lah.everybody p0n buat salah taoi kau slalu cari aku nye salah.pls lah.aku blg kau the truth eh aku really tk leh tolerate dgn attitude dgn character kau.so sbel0m terlmbt pls lah change.aku bukan nk marah kau ke pe tapi juz to make u realize.kalau kau tk nk aku jdi kwn kau tk pe tapi aku blg kau nie semua jdi kau bkh berubah ok.and yg psl tuesday tu kan kau tk blg aku p0n yg aku tk leh seb0t name reno.and aku tk tau yg kau nk reno dlm group kau.aku bukan nk reno dlm group aku ok.aku tk kisah p0n die nk mas0k group ape.tapi tk kan psl this small thing p0n kau nk gad0h dgn aku.pls lah.be more mature and think positive.kau ingat aku blh baca mind kau kalau kau tk blg aku yg aku tk leh seb0t name tu??pls lah.so think wat u have did and ape yg kau dh buat org kecewa and also kau dh sakitkan hati org ok.
and pls aku bukan nk marah kau atau ape.

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:11 PM

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

was busy wif alot of things last week until got no time to post.
was so sian to go home late everyday.
but there is also some benefit to go home late because i do not need to hear any nagging from someone at home.
it irritates sometimes to hear ppl nagging at me everday.
will start about wat happen last week first.
had jazzfunk on monday and it ends at 6pm.
had campcraft training on tuesday and wednesday until around 5pm to 6pm like dat.
then went for the road marshal duty at the road safety park at 1.15pm.
get to released from class early and i do not need to go for assembly.
then reached sch go changed to mufti.then went home wif reno,thenesh,shahrul,hamster and ivan.
coincidently saw them in sch.they just finished their soccer match.
so went home with them.
had a quarrel with my malay friends on friday.
and it continues until sunday.
for no reason they dont friend me.
childish lah.they should tell me the reason why they do not friend with me and i can change it but now they never even tell me.
wth sia.
then friday got annual parade rehearsal.
had fun although it was a tiring day.
get alot of mineral bottles to bring home until my bag so heavy.
also get the ration packs.
then went home with the guangyang guy who stay the same block as me.
andy didn't go for the annual parade.
he say he so lazy go.then must deco the class lah...
then saturday had my campcraft test until 12.30pm.
then after that went out with my family.
on sunday went out again to somewhere.
had a really tiring week.
this week on monday start school late.
went to school alone because the quarrel between us was not over yet.
during mother tongue lesson teacher never come.
they say sorry to me and i asked them what did i do wrong.
they told me the whole thing.
during maths lesson went to the com lab.
then got ICT after that.
stay at the com lab for 2 hours!
syiok sia!
science lesson was fun.
teacher never come today.got relief teacher.
so text him.
then had jazzfunk after school.finish everything up on that day.
end at 6pm.went home alone but walk with pine soe to the bus stop.
at least got friend to accompany me.
today lesson was so boring.
during english lesson fight with someone again.
and the person is the same person.
just because i say someone's name she scold me for no reason.
let reno choose in which ever group he want to go lah.
you didnt even tell me that i was not suppose to say that name.
so it's not my fault ok!!!
keep finding other ppl fault.
u must also see wat is your fault lah.

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:54 PM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

so long nvr post...
actually lazy post lah..
alot of things going on after school reopen...
so no time to post anything...
school was going on as usual except some lesson are so damn boring especially SCIENCE...
SCIENCE ws so boring until i dont understand wat theteacher is teaching...
she liketalking to herself u noe...
blabbering the whole day..
maths was ok except some things i dont understand and every work dat miss tan gave me i did it all wrongly...
especially the letters and the numbers together...
i dont noe wat is the topic about lah...
and for this subject test,i fail badly...
I only get 8/20 for the test...
anyway i really dont understand.this is wat happen ifu really hate maths and u give up wif the subject.
english more worst.
the KBT teach wat also i dont noe.
she keep talking non-stop but the best thing is playing with her speaker.
we keep changing the soung and keep making the echo-ing sound.
until she fed-up wif us already.
history was great.
Mr Yeo fun lah.
he teach and joke around.
it was really fun.
the literature teacher keep talking about sending us for detention if we never bring all the books.
she keep saying dat she want to call mr singh to class but in the end never call also.
stupid sia she.
anyway i wont be going for npcc in sch till april as i have rehersal in HQ...
will miss all my juniors,seniors,NCOS,squadmates....(:

to wirdy:at last kau kene paiseh siol...ISMAIL!!!haha...kesian kau eh(:

♥our lips must always be sealed
3:41 PM