now i got nothing much to post.
nothing much happen in school this few days.
weekends went out with family.
went to causeway point to buy new headphone.
then went downtown east to eat at pastamania.
after that went to changi beach.
sunday went to eat breakfast at ECP.
then went to changi beach see aeroplane.
then went to tampines IKEA to shop.
after that went home.
went school with wirdy.
then we relak2 walk.
lazy go school lah.
then got wat award presentation lah.
then got lesson as usual.
after that went home with ain.
went school as usual although i was sick.
so went school get the new ez-link card.
the face so damn shit lah!
use pri sch photo.
i want throw away lah.
then after that got class photo taking.
we take photo like it was the last day of school like dat.
then everyone do happy happy.
then went back to class although ms tan gave us another 30 mins for our recess.
so went back class got nobody.
so went to the library with nurul,gader and haziq.
then went we went out saw the 2T1 malay guys outside their classroom.
so ignore them but in the end i kena kacau by them.
mepek seh!
ingat aku pendek korang leh kacau pe.
tk pe2
aku baik hati nye psl kan aku tk bully korang balik.
aku tgk korang lgi besar dari aku jdi tk pelah.
so during LiVE lesson the whole class kena punish by ms tan because the class dirty.
then got alot of sweet wrapers.
then got alot of tchers complain about our class.
so just ignore what she say lah.
and yah i felt pity for reno.
he was sick but then still come school.
aft school went home with ain and gader.
last but not least
i still dont know which one to believe.
but then my heart just say something which i should not believe.
can someone just help me which one am i suppose to choose??
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:36 PM
i am so damn confused now.
i dont know what to do.
so school was crapping today.
nothing much happened.
went to disturb ain after recess.
i went to use the feather to tickle her leg.
then she run the whole class until outside class.
she keep on shouting "cat! cat!"
tk kan lah ade cat dlm class kan.
so after school went home with ain.
later doing art with nurul,gader and wirdy i think.
which one am i supposed to choose?
him or the other him?
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:25 PM

just being random man!
i tell u i being random!
dont be random redi lah.
so will start of with monday first.
went school at 8.30 because no moving monday.
so went to the hall to have our morning assembly.
then had mother tongue.
mother tongue as usual lah.
the old man teach wat also i dunno.
then recess.
after that got maths.
during maths miss tan never come.
so relief teacher took over.
then had maths test.
i and pei nee dunno how to do.
so we do anyhow.
for sure fail seh.
then had ICT after that.
the stupid teacher came.
then suddenly someone cried during ICT because someone disturb him.
i dont want to name that person.
so after ICT had PW but then we did art because we got no enough time already.
so did the art and also msg people at the same time.
then after that had science.
the steam teacher teach again.
i dont understand wat he teach lah.
so after school went home with ain..
go school as usual.
actually dont want go school because sick.
but nevermind lah.
had lesson.
for history mr yeo came back and teach us again.
fun seh.
i miss all his jokes.
at last can laugh again in history class.
so after school went home instead of going for the art class.
malas aku nk pegi.
nothing much happen.
only that my mood was so not that good.
so had lesson as usual.
then went home with ain.
we talk2 shit when going home.
went to play badminton with my bro,gader,nurul,amin and rasyidi after school.
played near blk 10 there.
around 5 plus went home.
had PE lesson.
did not bring PE shirt.
so need do 25 push up.
chicken lah eh 25 push up.
so had the hip hop dance.
we laugh like mad at kar pheng.
she dance funny seh.
ain ketawe sampai tergolek2 seh.
jie en sit until so infront just to see kar pheng dance.
so after PE had lesson as usual.
mother tongue was like damn ****ing shit lah.
cikgu suddenly dunno wat mood ask we all to pull up socks lah.
then my socks cannot pull readi seh...
but then just pull lah..
then assembly they talk shit lah.
assembly like not assembly seh.
its like science and geography lesson like that.
but the vietnam trip powerpoint slide was quite oklah.
do tell me the truth.
i won't know what your feeling will be talking about.
if you have no more feelings for me just do tell me the truth and i will let you off from my heart.
i will let you fly to the person that you love.
i won't ever feel regret doing this.
ku bahagia pabila kau tiba.
kau lenyapkan rawan.
tak usah dikau pergi.
tk ingin lagi meruntun hiba dengan sesalan.
kini ku akui.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:41 PM
SC6 was united!
will only talk about annual parade for today.
had the last rehearsal on friday.
was so sad because we could not meet each other again after the whole annual parade ended.
so on friday the rehearsal finish around 7pm like that.
then went home.
felt really tired.
on saturday woke up polish shoe.
then went to R.I to meet the others.
then went to HTA from R.I
had the last rehearsal.
then we had our rest for a few hours.
went to talk with other cadets from other schools.
went to change to full uni.
then went to disturb shake shake.
so the whole thing start at 6pm.
all of us was nervous lah.
we all scared that we did wrongly.
then the whole thing last for 1hr 50mins.
its like leg pain but then i tahan.
and i made it!
*clap clap*
so after the whole thing ended went up to the class and sit down.
wait for further instruction.
so took pics with some of the students from other schools and also we exchange numbers.
so sad cannot meet all of them again.
so cannot disturb shake shake ready.
so reach home at around 10.30pm.
so damn tired.
but overall it was FUN!
will miss all the cadets from the other schools.
will try to keep in touch with them if possible.
i miss shake shake!!!
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:57 PM
hey peoples/human beings.
just being lame lah...
got nothing much to talk about.
not in the mood to talk as now i am like damn sick lah.
body aching like mad and having fever.
so yeah.
wont post alot.
will start from monday.
monday school was ok.
nothing new happen.
had lesson as usual.
went to the hall during PW to perform the acting thing.
but then nurul did not come as she had her syf thingy.
so we did not do the performance.
then after school had the poetry competition.
we try to do our best in it.
we did not hope for anything.
we just did it for fun and also to gain some experience.
but got to know that one group from our class get in to the finals.
it was jay's group lah.
their performance was so good lah eh.
the 'shake that ass' part was the best.
after that went home with ain and gader.
had lesson as usual.
had LiVE lesson and the steam teacher take over ms tan.
we all don't want him to be the relief teacher lah.
everybody all shout don't want.
so when he teaching us we never hear anything lor.
all talk to frens.
so after school did not go home because got NPCC.
it was fun.
learnt many things about the history of police.
after that went home with jamie.
while walking pass by the soccer field.
then got soccer training.
so saw reno and the others.
had to bring alot of things because got NPAP rehearsal after school.
so had lesson as usual after that.
soccer boys keep asking me if i can go watch them play soccer match with 2T1 or not.
i felt guilty lah.
i promised them that i would go but then in the end cannot go because got rehearsal.
i feel like crying redi lah because i break my promise to them.
so told them i cannot go.
then they tell me not to go for rehearsal.
then i told them i cannot.
then they tell me watch for awhile can lah.
then the match start at 2pm.
i need to go by 1.50pm.
then they all very sad redi.
i feel guilty lah.
so i get to release from school earlier.
only get to release at 1pm.
so went to eat and so on..
then told hamster,reno,thenesh to msg me if got anything.
so they msg me and tell me the score.
so during the rehearsal,it was so damn tiring until i want to faint redi lah.
it so damn hot until all kena sun burn.
then we do the full thing twice.
so reach home at 8pm.
damn tired.
went to bathe,eat then sleep.
did not do my homework.
2N1 won 2T1
pro seh...
had lesson as usual.
the hip hop dance was ok.
went to school with body aching and also having fever.
but what to do still need go school ma.
then during assembly got the english week.
jay's group need to perform for the poetry thingy.
so they won 2nd prize.
it was oklah.
at least they tried their best.
well done!
so stay back with jamie to talk about some stuffs.
then went to the library to meet nurul and amin.
so went home with the both of them.
so tomorrow no need go school.
then saturday and sunday going out...
so till here then..
i miss you
my feeling just say something but i don't believe it.
should i believe it or should i not believe it.
♥our lips must always be sealed
4:20 PM