Sunday, May 31, 2009
hey peoples!
i will be posting tomorrow.
today not free lor.
so go read my blog tomorrow ok(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
9:24 AM

Thursday, May 28, 2009

now posting pics which i took from wirdy(:
the amazing race at esplanade yesterday was not really that good.
i'm out of breath running here and there.
and its like i'm the only girl in the group and the other three are all guys.
so ape lgi khairiyyah kene bully ah.
and the station i hate most was at the roof top.
we wasted most of our time there.
and the instructor over there was like 'NO WORKING CANNOT GO'
lame shit lah.
we all very tired ready lah eh.
so after that went back to school.
then nurul not feeling well.
so ms tan ask me and wirdy temankan nurul at sick bay.
then after that mrs ang went to count how many ppl int the class.
then she got to know three ppl missing.
then the three ppl was me,nurul and wirdy.
then she count alot2 of times.
then still the same.
then in the end serene told her.
then she went to the sick bay to find us.
the she nag nag redi.
sorilah mrs ang.
then after that me and wirdy temankan nurul home.
then "rashidah" dtg.
then i fight with him.
sambil jln sambil gad0h.
then after that went home.
then sleep.
dgr ckp mama dgn papa.
don't be naughty.
kakak tau yg kakak slalu marah u psl u nakal!
do well in everything.
achieve in everything that you want.
and also
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:48 PM

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
the other pics is with wirdy.
later i will upload the pics after i take the pics from her(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
4:05 PM
yesterday had post exam activity in school.
had beatboxing.
the make music using your mouth.
then had assembly...
the assembly very boring one.
that me,nurul and ain talk talk.
then after that had POP after school.
it was ok but felt so sad because mentors won't be taking us already as they need to concentrate with their O and N level.
but the sec 3s will be taking us.
then went home around 6 plus.
today had pulau ubin trip with all the sec 2s malay student.
it was super fun.
will show u the pics at my next post...
the trip to pulau ubin was so super fun lah.
sot to learn ant malay tradisional food.
then made batik painting.
then we got to bring home our batik painting.
but then the not really best part is it was raining heavily when we want to go home.
so need to wait until the rain stop.
then ain very funny lah.
she in the boat keep shouting because the boat moving here and there.
then she grab the person who sat beside her.
it was super funny if u see it real life.
so when we reach bck to sch,went to eat with ain,nurul and gader at mac.
then after that went home.
and now blogging abt this.
and tomorrow got maths trail at esplanade(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:54 PM

Friday, May 22, 2009
today get my history paper back.
and i pass my history!
for the first time man!
i got 56/100.
it's like a miracle.
all thanks to MR YEO for being my history teacher.
and he won't be teaching us already after the school reopen.
not fun lah!
and i will be dropping my history AGAIN after another teacher came to teach.
and also i got my literature marks.
and i get 74/100.
and also during literature went to the library.
never do anytthing over there.
get to know he never come to school because he scared.
if you think you are not the one who lost it why must you be scared.
it's not even your fault.
this is only a challange for you to see if you are brave enough or not.
and after school i was suppose to go for the IPW thing but then i had NPCC.
so did not go for the IPW and then went to eat with jamie and teng teng.
then went to 7-11 to buy food then suddenly something happen to me.
like what like that lah.
the stupid hot boiling water kena my hand.
and now my hand is like SUPER DUPER RED!
and i kept shouting like madd people..
just want to tahan the pain.
then the food that i buy in the end i never eat.
got no appetite to eat.
then went back school went to change to half uni.
then gader kept asking me to come for the IPW thing.
then told him that i cannot come because my hand kena hot water.
then he go tell reno,wirdy and the others.
then when to the toilet saw them.
then they ask me if my hand ok or not.
anyway thanks ya for all your care and concern for me(:
and then saw reno at the foyer with aaron.
then reno ask me again if my hand ok or not.
then rachel accompanied me to the general office to put first aid.
then the medicine also no use.
make my hand more pain.
but then thanks rachel for accompaniying me to the general office to put the medicine for me(:
and for my other squadmates thanks for your care and concern when my hand was so super duper pain(:
then NPCC end at 6pm.
then went home after that.
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:03 PM

Thursday, May 21, 2009
all my exam results was no good!
malay i get 79/100.
then geography i only get 37/100..
all no good seh.
then tomorrow getting history paper back.
i scared i fail lah.
my history not really good.
then promised mom that i will pass my this year history.
and i really really need to pass my history.
and i only pass TWO subjects while i fail all the others.
D&T haven't yet tell the marks.
art also.
but then this two subjects maybe i can pass lah.
And today school was ok.
had P.E.
so long don.t have any P.E lesson seh.
and at last got P.E.
played captain's ball with the girls.
then the boys played street soccer.
before the captain's ball game start,me,wirdy and jie en played soccer first using the vollyball ball.
we three only play.
got nothing better to do ma.
then during mother tongue get malay paper back.
and i pass.
then cikgu hamzah kacau aku.
die ckp aku ade sawan ke pe.
tk pe2..
aku ingat.
at first kan haziq yg ade sawan.
then he pass to me.
then cikgu kacau.
then dh satu class ketawe.
termas0k cikgu skali.
then during assembly got talk about the good use and the bad use of chatting.
then never really hear the talk.
had a fight with gader during assembly.
then talk talk with nora and jasmine.
then got to know that their class key lost.
sape yg ambik class key dorang tu btl2 tk de keje
org bdh je gi ambik.
ambik pon bukannye leh buat pape dgn kunci tu kan.
lgi nk menyusahkan class dorang tu adelah.
so after that went home with ain,nurul and haziq.
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:01 PM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
yesterday there was no schooling.
because got marking paper.
so went to andy's house with jamie,pamela and rachel to do the POP stuffs.
then before that went to see grandfather first.
so did everything until finish.
then went home.
today went to school as usual.
then got back some of the exam papers.
all my results was so damn BAD !
my English Paper 2 i only get 32/60 .
the marks was so damn no good lah.
feel like crying.
then Maths Paper 1 & 2 i get 19/50 and 17/50 .
my marks are all bad!
then for Science i only get 41/100 .
everything was badly done lah !
i really got nothing to say.
i'm just waiting for my other paper marks.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:02 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009
exams over today.
now can enjoy ah...
can do anything i want...
nk tonggang tebalik pon blh...
so pegi skh got teperature taking again.
everything was ok.
then wirdy nvr bring.
so lend her my one while i go meet him and pinjam his calculator.
thanks eh u!
then si wirdy dgn nurul tk abis2 disturb me.
"Khairiyyah jumpe fir seh!"
almk korang.
tk pernah nmpk eh aku jumpe die.
then told him that i will return his calculator on wednesday but then i returned bck to him during his recess time.
scared that he need to use it ma.
then in the end during exam i use fir calculator.
ain use my calculator.
then during exam ain keep sleeping until cikgu hamzah woke her up aot of time.
but ain dont care lor.she sleep bck.
then i kick her chair.
then finish exam then i tell wirdy i nvr do one question.
then she scold me.
mcm makcik quarters lah kau marah aku.
then after that went home with ain and gader.
then they both want to take 57 but then they missed two 57 bus.
becoz of gader lah.
nak balik lmbt nye psl kan..
then ain must follow him.
then i wait with them...
until i don't noe how many bus dh lepas...
more than 10 i think...
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:19 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009
science exam was damn freaking hard lah..
aku tk leh jwb semue seh.
main hantam je.
aslkan buatkan.
btl tk...
jgn jdi mcm nur'ain bte naim.
sie die nie buat paper skejap nk mampos je.
tk smpai 1 hour die dh abis buat.
ape entah yg die tulis dlm paper sie tu...
die draw agaknye..
sori ain(:
and yah...
tinggalkan satu blank je utk science paper tdi.
kalau wirdy shakila bte zollihisham dpt tau abis aku kene rembat dgn die.
tk leh concentrate fully on exam tdi becoz of something.
ade lah hal ye...
and wirdy keep blg aku jgn tgk class tu.
i wanna see but then kalau tgk buat sakit hati.
mcm nk nangis pon ade seh.
mcm nk sepak muke si die tu smpai merah mcm tomato pon ade.
tapi khairiyyah tk zalim seh nk sepak org...
wirdy aku nk tgk class die satu kali je...
tk tau lah ape nk buat skg..
nk biarkan si die tu ke atau nk tanye die...
tapi nanti lain pulak yg jdi...
tdi tgh2 exam dh mcm nk nangis seh...
abeh bile class die kluar wirdy blg jgn tgk..
abeh nurul see me ready..
then i dont noe nk buat pe...
then sbelom exam start raja rushdy raihan bin raja abdul rahman pulak paki hp aku msg kwn die.
kesian hp kene confiscate..
sape suroh msg org smpai bill melambong...
abeh lepas exam gi mkn kat canteen dgn ain,wirdy,nurul,rushdy,gader dgn haziq
then kite buat kecoh kat situ mcm canteen tu bapak kite punye..
then lepas tu balik dgn ain,nurul,rushdy dgn gader.
kite buat kecoh bile ngah jln nk balik.
so bsk tk de paper..
tk yah gi skh..
best ah!
leh dudok kat umah main com tk whole day..
tapi kalau tk kene rembat dgn my father tu tk tau ah ape nk ckp...
wirdy shakila bte zollhisham
aku tk tau ape nk buat lgi seh...
i feel like killing him but then i'm not so evil lah eh...
i really dont noe wat to do redi lah...
pade kwn2 saye
nur'ain bte naim
nurulhuda bte hashim
abdul gader bin hashim
raja rushdy raihan bin raja abdul rahman
muhammad nur haziq bin noorazwa
wirdy shakila bte zollihisham
terime kasih byk2 kerana anggap saye sebagai kwn awak semue.
although we always fight and conflicts soing on here and there,tapi
kite semue masih jdi kwn jugak.
ape2 pon kite semue still kwn ok(:
thank you for helping me when i'm having any problems.
and all of you are always ther for me and also try to help me with my problems.
sori kalau aku pernah marah2 korang atau ape.
sori kalau aku terkasar dgn korang semue...
and for my chinese friends.
chan jie en(:
i know u since my primary school days and its nice to know u.
i treasure all the moments that i have with u.
although we always scold each other,it means that we love each other.
as a fren lah we love each other.
later u think wat...
still counting the number of years we known each other.
fong pei nee :D
i know u since the first day i step into my sec sch life.
its nice to be ur fren.
i treasure all the moments i had with u.
all the jokes that we share together.
thanks for helping me when i have any problem.
thanks for lending me your listening ears to hear all the problems that i have.
appreciate it alot.
jamie quek rui ting (:
i know u since sec 1.
the first day of NPCC.
having a fren like u is quite a good thing.
having a squadmate like u who always give me motivation to go through everything.
having a classmate like u to help me with my studies.
its nice to know u.
being ur squadmate and also being ur classmate.
and yah...
not forgeting the birthday babies(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:36 PM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
khairiyyah and kirvani
this is what we call friendship although we fight everyday
manju and me NPAP 09!
credits to ain for taking this pics without me knowing(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:59 PM
exam was ok..
did manage to do everything...
only the question i don't know i leave it blank...
but still have steps lah...
exam ending soon ready...
so got post exam activites going on after that...
sec 2 mly students going to pulau ubin on 26 may...
byk2 tempat tempat tu jugak dorang nk pegi...
but oklah..
at least i get to see the place first before going for my ATC camp on aug i think...
then 27 may got maths trail at esplanade with all the sec 2s...
so i will post till here only..
i got nothing much to say...
i trust you but you did all this to me...
i don't know what to see already...
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:19 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009
stupid SHIT!
did not finish up my geography paper today.
was like damn sad lah.
did all the studies and revesion but in the end my brain can't absorb anything.
it's no use of me studying till late night and did not eat up my medcine just to consentrate on my exam.
and this flu just came bck when i was doing my exam.
and a forgot to bring my tissue.
and luckily ms tan left 1 box of tissue on the teacher's table.
so mr yeo gave me like alot of tissue.
this sickness is just sickening man!
it will always come when it is my exam period.
so cannot concentrate alot on my exam.
yesterday paper was quite easy.
MT paper 1&2 question was quite challenging.
the question is like twist and turn.
the letter writing was also difficult.
got no time to study as i did not go for morning assembly because of NPCC DAY.
so need to wear full-u.
and tuesday will be maths paper 1 and i haven't even study anything for it.
i have no hope to pass my maths exam.
i just cannot remember all the formula.
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:19 AM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
today went to school because got exam.
exam very very important.
monday i did not do malay listening compre because i kena sent to the dunno wat room.
just because of fever.
then cannot take tet.
then cikgu put VR.
so today went school like usual.
but in the morning raining ready.
then its like everybody come school late because of traffic jam.
at least got excuse for coming in late.
before exam start jie en got headache.
so she eat my medcine.
malas nk turon gi canteen nye psl.
so did my english paper 1.
i like gong gong don't know how to do the letter writing.
i nver come ma on tuesday.
then the class did letter writing.
so keep asking wirdy.
"mcm mane nk buat.mcm mane nk buat."
then nasib ah mrs koh masok class.
she blg mcm mane nk buat.
thanks mrs koh.
so ape lgi si mrs koh dpt chance nk jumpe aku kan.
teros kasi aku geography paper nye answer suroh blajar because after eng paper 1 kene ambik geog test.
psl yg lain dh ambik on tuesday.
so lepas buat paper 1 ade alot of time lgi.
teros gi bace tu geog paper nye answer.
nk ingatkan semue nye psl.
in the end tk dpt semue pon.
only get 20/25.
at least ok jugak pe.
then recess tk tk gi mkn.
psl nk kene buat geog test.
cume mkn obat je.
tu pon kene mkn baru leh mkn obat tapi buat bdh jelah.
tk de org marah pe.
then balik class sorang2.
nk gi letak obat dgn water bottle dulu baru gi ambik test kat 1N2.
ngah best2 naik sorang2 in the end sampai 3rd level kene kacau dgn bdk2 2T1.
sape lgi bdk2 tu kalau bukan dorang2 semue.
buat bdh jelah sgn dorang.
abeh nk gi 2nd level kene pass class dorang kene kacau lgi.
then HIM dh look2 at me.
then i look at him i senyum je.
then i jalan.
paiseh siol.
asl lah korang suke panggil aku F*****S.
bile mase aku tukar name aku jdi name die seh.
then abis ambik geog test balik class ambik temperature taking lgi.
then teros start with eng paper 2.
ok jugak ah paper die.
leh buat.
mintak2 pass ah.
lepas abis buat paper my kepale dh sakit.
psl dh mkn obat.
then dat obat buat aku ngantok je.
so teros tertdo.
then smpai tk sadar exam dh abis.
nasib baik wirdy kejot.
kalau tk aku tk balik agaknye.
then bsk MT paper.
mintak2 dpt buat ah.
dh lah tk dpt buat listening compre.
jdi paper 1&2 kene pass ah.
so dpt bring my marks up.
so now i want polish my shoe and do my NP uniform.
bsk kene pakai.
best ah.
kene sampai skh siang giler bsk seh.
before polish kasot i want to eat first.
then eat obat.
i love you
i miss you
but i do not know if you have the same feelings as me or not.
we seldom talk.
but we always look at each other.
what does it means.
does it means you love me.
or you hate me.
does it also means you miss me.
or you don't miss me.
i cannot read your mind and i cannot see through your eyes.
so do tell me what is right.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:30 PM
did not went to school today.
went to see doctor.
stupid shit lah.
doctor say got no fever.
but then went we take temperature taking in school teacher say got fever.
better go school seh.
miss all my lessons.
tomorrow already english paper 1&2
havent even study anything for paper 1.
even the letter writing i dont know hoe to do.
nevermind lah.
try to find a way to learn.
go ask my classmates for help.
ok lah.
wanna go rest now.
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:18 AM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
hey people in the world.
not really in the good mood today.
was so damn sick.
and now using com in school to blog.
just now had moving monday for U.G
then had P.T all the way.
then after moving monday went to change.
then had morning assembly.
then went to take temperature taking.
suddenly something happen.
i had a very high fever.
it was only 37.7 lah.
then need to wear the mask and then go the room to sit down check temperature again.
it so damn leceh seh.
then sit there luckliy got yao yuan.
so talk2 with him.
then got my junior also.
so we talk2.
then went to take temperature again.
then my temperature went back to normal.
so can go back to class.
but then i still sick lah.
so just dont care.
now having ICT lesson.
but then the teacher never come.
so got chance to play com.
so now i blogging lor because later at home cannot play com.
after school later going out with ain to study at library i think.
so till here then.
bye peoples in the world(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:54 AM