Friday, July 31, 2009
second post of the day.
i'm totally bored right now.
no cca today.
i prefer having cca then don't have any cca.
monday got moving monday i think.
need go school early.
and yeah..
probs are coming one by one.
i don't understand a single thing.
am i something to them or am i not.
lazy talk about this ready lah.
as like what someone told me.
just leave it and forget abt it.
♥our lips must always be sealed
4:49 PM
school was as usual today.
had the I&E day.
so some of my classmates was not in class.
many were absent.
so class was so quiet.
first period was science.
got our test paper back.
and as usual i fail the test.
i only get 6/25.
and it was super bad.
i really don't know how to do.
something wrong is in me now.
i cannot concentrate in every subjects.
next period was malay.
had the bahasa test.
then all tk tau buat.
then i keep laughing and laughing.
then cikgu scold me.
here the conversation goes.
Cikgu Hamzah: Khairiyyah awak nie eh asyik ketawe je.
Khairiyyah: *still laughing*
Cikgu Hamzah: Awk ketawe lgi.awk tau tk yg markah awk dh menurun.
Khairiyyah: *smiling and never say anything8
Cikgu Hamzah: Awk cume dpt 17/30 utk kefahaman awk tau tk.
The other malay students: *looking at me*
so after the bahasa test cikgu give out the kefahaman paper back.
so see my marks.
and its true i got 17/30.
its totally true.
then nurul ask me.
Nurul: Khai kau dpt brape?
Khairiyyah: Nah. *showing the paper to nurul*
Nurul: Kau serious ke pe?
Khairiyyah: Ntah.aku pon tk tau.
Nurul: Slalu kau dpt highest pe.
so i kept quiet at that moment.
so recess kena lecture with wirdy.
she ask me to study.
i really studied but then i don't know why my results are so damn bad.
i felt like crying during recess.
i don't know why.
so i kept quiet only.
i don't know who to ask for help.
during ICT didn't do my work.
don'tknow what to do ready.
did the recording already.
so chat with pei nee.
then she go change my name to hairiyyah.
nice sia.
don't have the letter K redi.
the K kena eaten by gila pei nee.
so i didn't talk much today ah.
so at 12pm went for the I&E thing.
then after that go home.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:06 PM

Thursday, July 30, 2009
today lesson was so fun i think.
some of it only.
was not in the mood to go to school.
reason is first i was so sleepy.
second i was sick.
but then i went to school because i promised keshini that i will help her with the class deco.
so i don't want to break my promise.
first period was maths.
there was a new tcher for maths and he came to in to ms tan class to help ms tan.
the tcher face so fierce.
nxt period was english.
talk abt our compo.
i got 19/30 only.
then jieen and huda become the newly compo queens.
then had recess next.
after that got music.
ms caneda nvr come.
so had free period.
did the worksheets that was given with nurul and wirdy.
after that had malay.
did ujian kefahaman.
after finish doing everybody go to lalaland.
nurul blh sempat mimpi psl org when she ws sleeping.
slept for less than 15 minutes pon leh mimpi psl org.
then next was P.E
all very enthu for P.E ready.
whole class change to P.E shirt ready.
just waiting for the tcher to come.
then suddenly relief tcher came in to class.
everybody was angry sia.
all darah dh up seh.
so me and jieen don;t want waste time.
so we go change back to school uniform because there will be assembly next.
then went back to class my hair kena torture.
wirdy and rebecca do scorpion.
but then tk menjdi because my hair all come out.
so untie back.
then reno very funny.
he go use nurul comb and comb his hand and leg hair.
then after thaat rebecca used the same comb to come wirdy's hair.
the comb dirty ready sia.
then skip the assembly part.
after school stayed back to do the class deco.
went to eat luch first with yvette and keshini.
then went back to school to do the class deco.
andy chew,bowen and kenneth kwek helped us to padte the names.
thanks guys.
then kenneth and bowen go home.
so left the girls and andy chew.
so he help us.
then the soccer boys came back from tournament ready.
ivan ask me wait for him.
so i ask him go class meet me.
so all the soccer boys from our class came to class and help us.
thanks guys for helping us although you all are really tired.
after that went home with keshini,rebecca and yvette.
otw home rebecca and keshini talk something which i cannot say out.
so now at home blogging.
and i don't feel like coming to school tomorrow because i'm having flu.
flu flu go away.
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:35 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
nothing happening in school today.
so my post will be short and simple.
had theory today for home econs.
and tcher talk abt our coursework.
then had test for geog.
mrs koh slept in class while we doing our test.
then thenesh keep banging the table and mrs koh woke up from her lalaland.
then history was a no good one today.
the others nothing much.
so lazy type anything.
so till here only.
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:49 PM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
no idea.
rebecca evil face
jieen really want me to take pic with the dustbin
ser lin didn't know i took her pics.
jieen make me take photo with her.
so all this pics was taken at the spore river.
went to spore river today for the history and geography thing.
i took shao siong photo and he deleted it.
he make my phone go dizzy.
so will talk about school first.
school was ok today.
only some lesson make me bored.
first lesson was maths.
ms tan didn't come.
so had 30 minutes of free period.
talk with pei nee and reno.
then next was malay.
at last cikgu say my socks was ok.
so never kena yellow card.
so had karangan test.
and i think i did badly for it.
so next was recess.
thanks jieen for accompanying me to the toilet.
or not i won't go to the toilet and do the thing which i really need to do.
so after recess was art.
at last i did my drawing while talking to wirdy.
then next was science.
quite concentrating on the topic that mdm rahayu was teaching.
then after that was english.
did the journal and newspaper article.
then after that LiVE lesson.
LiVE lesson today was like meditating session.
mrs ang make us close our eyes and think about nice things.
then she told us funny stories.
so after school went for luch with pei nee,rebecca and jay.
then we talk talk.
at spore river i was in serene's group.
so the other members was jamie,saras,eilleen.
so we had fun.
and serene get well soon ya.
go see doctor ok.
then took pictures.
i was like keep taking photo today.
but photo of other people.
then reached school around 5.
then went to eat for awhile.
after that went home with ain.
sorry ah no present.
but today u get alot of mushroom le.
the pink mushroom very nice.
must keep ur logo wif u everytime ok.
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:44 PM

Monday, July 27, 2009
so yeah.
today school started late.
need to reach school only at 8.30am.
and lesson start at 9am.
so went to school with ain and nurul.
so we were not late.
so lesson as usual.
he didn't come to school today.
and i am totally in a bad mood today.
sorry to everyone especially rushdy.
sori eh aku mrh kau.
so first period was literature.
i got no mood to study.
and i didn't even pay attention to this lesson.
next was recess.
recess was like usual.
then english.
english was super sucks.
everybody don't understand what was teacher teaching.
then next was science.
and this was the part where i got super mad.
first rushdy lock me outside the classroom and never let me go in to class.
then next i was freaking mad when i got to know someone took my pencilcase.
sorry reno i beat u damn hard.
i know u didn't take my pencilcase.
but i was freaking mad at that point of time and i feel like beating someone.
then next got to know that rushdy took my science textbook.
and it isn't funny.
if i don't have my textbook how am i supposed to study.
use brain lah fren.
i know its fun for u and i always don't mind when u did it to me.
but just now i really don't have any mood ok.
so stop what u are doing.
and next was maths.
got to know i,reno and some others kena transfer to ms tan class.
so me and reno went to ms tuan class to confirm wif her again.
so she said need go ms tan class.
so me and reno went back to third level.
so sit inside ms tan class me and reno look at each other and show our blur face.
then after school had the literature acting thing.
skip skip.
don't want to talk about it.
then had jazzfunk after that.
got new instructor.
then the instructor teach us jazz.
then must dance jazz lor.
then we jump here jump there.
spin here spin there.
until everyone get dizzy ah.
the instructor so the flexible seh.
and yes.
as usual i cannot catch up with the moves and everything.
so jazzfunk end at 5.45 then after that straight away went home.
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:05 PM

Friday, July 24, 2009
so yah.
jieen didn't come to school today.
and its super boring without her with me.
becoz i never ever feel lonely without her.
and its already two days already she never come to school.
so jieen if u reading this i want tell u dat i miss u alot alot ok(:
i want u to come back to school.
and reno also never come to school for two days already.
i also want u to come back school.
i miss the both of u alot alot lah.
pls come back school.
so today school was super boring.
super super duper duper boring.
first period was science.
had science test.
for one of the question they ask wat will be the colour of the water when it was put in a dark room.
then got only red and orange colour.
must choose either one.
then me and ain very extraodinary.
we go put green.
the reason is because the chlorophyll from the leaf come out.
but the answer dat i wrote is wrong lah.
then malay talk about the kampong names in singapore.
semue main sebot sembarang je.
kampong air lah.
then got somemore lah.
then cikgu suddenly check on our attire today.
then i kena last warning for my socks.
luckily i nvr wear my star star socks today.
then next recess.
got nothing much happen.
then ict.
very boring.
then ain,rushdy and haziq record a sound that they make.
its about someone.
and its sounds very funny lah.
i have it in my phone.
then next english.
did the summary thing.
and it was ok.
then after school went to eat with jamie.
then went back school to have NP.
NP was ok today.
i like the learning how to pitch the tent.
i like pegging.
and then got another new badge.
so after that went home.
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:06 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009
so as usual went to school.
but today went to school alone and didn't meet ain.
but suddenly i saw her at the traffic light and i was in the bus.
so walk to school with her.
and we're early for school.
wat a miracle.
so first period was maths.
didn't split class as we will be having a test on graphs.
and i think i'm gonna fail this test because the first question i didn't draw the line on the graph!
so next lesson was english.
the class was asked to do the comprehension paper.
and our class wa so good today and we finish up the paper very early.
and we begged mrs koh to let us go for recess earlier but she say cannot.
so we make alot of noise in the class.
and she asked us alot of question.
she say our class people are all very creative because we can imitate the sound of the bell.
so when the bell rang,the whole class shouted because we can go for recess already.
then mrs koh cannot tahan ready.
so she started laughing.
and during english class thenesh and rushdy keep singing.
rushdy keep singing Insomnia and thenesh keep singing Bon Jovi song.
so me and kelly started to laugh already.
so after recess got no one to play slap slap.
reno and jieen,my both partner for slap slap never come today.
i so sad seh.
get well soon ya to the both of u.
i want the both of u to come back school as soon as possible.
or not i got no fren to play slap slap with me.
so after recess was supposed to be music but ms caneda nvr come.
i don't know why she must always not come to school on thursday.
since the school reopen,we got only 1 music lesson.
so had free period.
and the malay people play true or dare.
semue kene rabak2 punye.
and wirdy sorry eh kite buat kau panic.
aku tau kau mrh.
sori eh.
so after that had malay.
today malay lesson cikgu suddenly in a good mood.
so can joke2 around with him.
then next was P.E
the girls had their standing broad jump and also the inclined pull up.
i did okok ah for both.
and after taking the test,went back to class to take our temperature taking and also need to change back to school uniform as there will be assembly.
so need to changed back.
then assembly was ok.
after assembly the class kena held back because three people nvr change back to school uniform and also tcher saw some of us talking with our frens throughout the assembly period.
so kena held back for a few minutes.
then after school went home with ain and gader.so now need to wait for shahrul to online on facebook and need to lawan soccer dgn die.
and need to polish my shoe and pack all the other stuffs for NP tomorrow.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:44 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
school was ok today.
only some lessons are super boring.
maths was during the firdt period.
and the maths teacher is going back to NUS already.
*sob sob*
why must he go back.
so yeah.
he told me to study for tomorrow test and yah he say try my very best to pass the test.
then after maths was science.
mdm rahayu never come i think.
then no teacher came in to class.
so had 30 minutes of free period.
so talk with reno.
and reno get well soon ya(:
and cheer up bro.
don't be so sad lah.
what's over is over.
so recess was the same like always.
then next was history.
ms joe didn't come.
so had 1 hour of free period.
so the malay students played concentration and dunno wat chop chop.
then tuki tuki.
funny sia when we play.
all say out the numbers which dosen't even have.
then suddenly saw reno emo at one side.
so when to talk to him.
i think i noe why.
so after hisdtory was geography and english.
geography lesson today everyone very quiet.
what a miracle happen.
suddenly everyone concentrate.
then english did the journal.
need to write about our country,Singapore.
so wrote about Singapore.
and wrote it anyhow.
and after English was Home Econs.
Me and serene suddenly was in the National Day mood.
we keep singing national day song.
then home econs lesson had to discuss about the coursework.
so need to do everything and pass it up by TOMORROW.
what the hell!
mepek siak tu cikgu.
die yg tk blg.
then after school went mac wif ain,nurulmwirdy and 'rashidah'.
then went walking back home me and ain was blasting up our music and yah the others talk to us and we cannot hear.
so when me and ain talk we shout as if the others cannot hear.
we didn't realised that we talk so loud because we were hearing our music in a very loud volume.
so ain change wirdy name to rashidah.
so rasyidi and rashidah.
so yah.
walk home with them.
and now i'm trying to finish up that coursework.
YOU are the medicine for my illness.
YOU are the fire for my candle.
YOU are the light which shines my life.
Without YOU my life won’t be complete.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:58 PM

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
so yeah.
didn't post anything yesterday.
yesterday went to school early because of the 2.4km run.
and yah.
so long never run already.
and yeah.
leg pain for sure.
so after the run went back to class.
then had literature lesson.
lesson was okok...
did the worksheet with kelly.
so recess time went to do my maths homework with wirdy's help.
i don't know how to do and i forgot to bring home my textbook.
so after recess was english i think.
english was super boring.
slept in class.
then next was science.
talk with reno and the others.
then next maths.
the teacher keep calling me tweety bird.
he keep disturbing me.
so let's talk about today.
today went to school with ain.
then reach school 2 mins late only.
in the end kena detention after school.
so nora pon kene.
ain pon kene.
so lesson was boring as usual.
malay cikgu talk about the racial riots.
then english mrs koh dont bother about our class redi.
then science we need clean up the 2N2 class because it was super dirty.
then maths okok.
art was ok.
wirdy kena whack by me and reno.
sorry ah.
tu reno nye plan ok.
so after recess played the slapping game with jieen,shao siong,reno and serene.
we play play play until everybody hands got bruises already.
so the three of us go for detention at 2pm.
so go for detention did nothing over there.
mcm mepek gitu.
then talk2 with nora,ain and myra.
then after that ain and myra go for malay dance.
while me and nora wait for them in the toilet.
sambil tu kite ckp2 lah.
then they finish ready i and nora went to find mr singh because i want my ez link back.
thanks eh nora(:
i love you!
so after that went to mac with ain,nora,nurul,myra and jas.
then buat kecoh...
then after that went home with nora.
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:03 PM

Friday, July 17, 2009
so yeah.
school was super boring today.
nothing much happened.
only realised something is not right between someone and someone.
i don't know what had happened.
so yeah.
school was so bored.
first perioddd was science.
talk with reno and disturbed him.
and you reno.
don't ever injured him during soccer training ah.
if you dare to injured him i kick your ass out.
so next two period before recess was malay.
it was oklah for today.
we need to find another word by using another word to form a different word.
so yeah.
whole class kecoh.
shout out the words and even the word which dosen't appear in the dictionary also we shot out.
word mepek pon kluar.
mcm word sebab ain gi tukar jdi babes.
so recess did not eat.
and yeah.
rushdy got to know that syasya is ain.
ain cannot control her laughter anymore and she laugh damn loud at the cantten just now.
and today played that slapping game with jieen again.
both of us addicted to it already.
jieen we play that slapping game everyday can?
you be my partner ok(:
so ICT was a boring one today.
and after ICT went to play the slapping game with jieen again while walking back to class.
english was a boring one.
everybody hate that Miss L
she like what lah.
keep cannot this cannot that.
don't touch this don't touch that.
how to concentrate on our compo if you show us that pics.
people will for sure concentrate on those pics right if you show them.
so all very angry with her.
keshini was super mad with her.
and yah.
overall school was a boring one.
and next monday need to come school early because 2N1 got 2.4km run.
what the SHIT.
haven't even trained for the run yet sia.
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:32 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009
i think overall school was in a chaos today.
class was like what today.
all was so busy with the class identity thingy.
and the bag had the most votes.
but for now we need to choose a suitable design for everyone which they are all comfortable with.
class was so not co-operative.
there were alot of objections going on.
and yah.
because of the objections now we need to choose other designs.
and today mly class was the suckiest ever.
kena punished with mly tcher juz because i talk alot in class.
but i didn't even talk.
what the SHIT!
so really damn no good today.
and the slapping game started again.
playe with jieen,haziq,wirdy,rushdy,gader and reno.
but played with jieen the most.
she my partner for everything ma.
and yes.
hand got red and also got swollen on it.
but overall the game was fun.
so went home with ain and gader today.
and now doing nothing.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:24 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
today went to school with ain.
and it started to rain.
so only me who have umbrella.
so need to share with her.
in the end reach school i was half wet already.
she use up all the umbrella.
its oklah.
so had temperature taking.
then next discussed about the class identity again.
so did the voting.
and i vote for the class bag and the class jacket.
very unique right?
actually don't know what to choose.
so took something which the other classes had not been using yet for their class identity.
tee shirt are all so common lah.
so decided to take those both things.
after the discussion,had maths for two period.
tcher lost my book!
oh my!
what lah this tcher.
so end up using up his NUS exercise book to do my work.
so i ask tcher.
Khairiyyah: Tcher where my graph book?
Teacher: I gave it out to you yesterday.
Khairiyyah: Where got.its not with me.
Teacher: You go back class find.
So i went back class with krystal to find my graph book.
and end up finding nothing.
so went back to maths class again.
Khairiyyah: Cher! my book lost! don't have in my class lah.
Teacher: Really ah? ok.later i go check at my staff room.
Khairiyyah: ok ah.you say wan ah.my find my book ok.
Teacher: Okok.i go find your book.
Khairiyyah: Cher.if lost how?
Teacher: Then i go buy for you new book lah.
so i irritate the teacher alot today.
so after maths had science.
then saw te maths teacher again.
then remind him something.
Khairiyyah: Cher! don't forget to find my book ah.
Teacher: Ok.eh you got saw douglas?
Khairiyyah: He in his class.
so he went to meet douglas.
after meeting douglas the maths teacher meet me again.
Teacher: Eh u know or not you like tweety bird le.
Khairiyyah: Huh?
Teacher: You look like tweety bird.
Khairiyyah: Orh. Okok.
so this teacher like to disturb me every single day.
unless there's no maths then he won't disturb me.
then science class didn't pay attention.
not in the mood for anything.
then next recess time.
recess time went down for recess late.
then something happen.
why problems must come one by one.
can't let me finish one problem first then the next problem come.
so not even one problem settle.
and yes!
got to know something.
ain was really freaking angry with that person.
so does everyone.
including me.
so history ms joe did not come.
so had free period.
talk with ain and the others.
so next was geography and english.
lesson was super boring.
so i don't give it a damn.
so i put my head on the table and close my eyes.
but that irritating tcher make alot of noise with her microphone.
so people sleep also kena woke up by her noisy microphone.
so next home econs.
home econs was ok.
partner up with my partner who was shao shiong.
he's not that bad.
better than some guys lah.
although people thought he was lazy but actually he's not.
he's kinda helpful.
so yeah.
with him helping me all our works are all finish on time.
so had mly.
the other group mly students came in to class late.
so cikgu scold.
then ain kene another two yellow card today.
she ckp dh biase.
lain kali bwk buku lah ain.
hari2 tk bwk buku nanti cikgu keep booking kau dlm paper kuning die tu je.
so school ends at 2.30.
then went home straight with ain.
and she make alot of noise when going home.
i know its tomorrow lah.
but still can wish today mah.
no harm right?
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:51 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
lets start posting about monday.
monday went to school with ain and nurul.
school start at 8.30 but we reached school a bit late.
so never kena caught by mr singh.
then nurul very stress need to do ain tie.
then ain keep irritate her.
then she keep doing the tie wrongly.
then reached school ready went up to class using the centre staircase.
then reached 3rd level saw ms fauziah.
then ain never wear her tie because nurul was doing it for her but nurul walk at the front already.
so ain pulled me and ask me to walk with her using the long way.
which is we need to walk the whole 3rd level and need to pass by all the classes.
so walked with her.
when we reached the class, everybody started singing happy birthday song for ain already.
then she smile smile.
so 1st period was literature.
the new teacher came in to class to teach us.
she quite oklah.
only many people don't know how to pronounce her name.
then next was recess.
after recess was english i think.
english was super boring.
then after that was maths.
maths ok ok lah.
then after that school ends.
so went home with ain.
so today had lesson as usual.
all lessons are super duper boring.
first period was maths.
before that the whole sec 2s and 4s need to go to the hall to have a briefing.
then after that miss some of the maths period.
so had maths for about 20 mins or less.
then had malay next.
ape punye cikgu entah.
main book org pakai that yellow paper je.
ain kene rabak seh.
that day kene by mrs koh two times.
then today kene dgn cikgu two times.
lucky i never kene.
but i kena caught for my socks.
so needto pull up.
and ape mepek entah.
bile mase skolah ckp cume leh pakai sch socks je.
ape kejadah je.
so everybody was in a bad mood during mly lesson.
then next recess.
after recess art.
did not do my art things but went on talking with reno,aaron and wirdy.
had fun talking with them.
and i think wirdy eat the wrong medicine today.
so after art was science.
tcher never come.
so got free period.
actually not free period.
we was supposed to do our works but none of us did.
so went on talking with reno.
ain laugh damn loud until that tcher cannot take it already.
then the next period another tcher came in.
the tcher face like what like that.
so scary sia.
then had english after that.
did nothing much.
ain was called up by ms fauziah.
then during LiVE lesson ain came back to class.
then the whole class started laughing.
it was because of ain skirt.
then after school had maths LSP.
after LSP went back with ain and gader.
then saw the 2T1 malay guys.
then they started laughing about ain skirt.
then me and gader cannot take it already.
so we started burst out laughing also.
sorry eh ain.
tk sengaje eh.
so ain dh malu gitu.
so she quickly walk home with me.
die nmpk bus teros sembunyi.
i think its not too late yet for me to wish her lah.
her birthday only yesterday mah.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:54 PM

Friday, July 10, 2009
blah blah blah...
nothing to talk about today.
went to school as usual.
with ain and nurul.
then reach class got lesson as usual.
then recess time go meet someone.
then before recess was science and malay.
during science i helped reno with his lung model.
then want to put the balloon.
i pulled the balloon too hard then i destroy the balloon.
sorry ah reno.
the balloon break into half...
then malay cikgu byk ckp ah...
dh buat correction lgi suroh buat balik.
cikgu hamzah: kalau cikgu nampak ade mistake kene tulis balik eh.
everyone: ape seh cikgu.
luckily i no need write back.
then next cikgu talk about the yellow card thing.
he say dat if the girls wear their skirt short he will give the yellow card.
then if fringe nvr pin up also give yellow card.
then if socks cannot see also give yellow card.
so next time.
before going for malay class all must check on each other first.
kene tgk semue ok ke tk...
all perfect baru leh gi class melayu.
kalau tk kene mcm hari tu tk leh masok class.
so after recess got ICT.
boring je.
pakai microphone tu pekik2 kat each other.
fun lah.
only the microphone part.
the others tk bagos.
then english mepek.
damn boring.
so after school went home with ain and gader.
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:43 PM

Thursday, July 9, 2009
it's be yourself day today.
so we get to use home clothes to school.
yesterday after school went to ain house to help her choose for her what to wear for today.
then lepak kat umah die kejap.
then went home.
then today went to school with ain and nurul.
we like paiseh redi but nurul so eager to go to school with home clothes.
and YOU
you lied to me again.
total 6:0
i ingat.
tk pe2...
then most of the people wear black and white today.
ain today very good lah.
so the gentle u noe.
until ms tan and mrs ang praised her alot.
then forgot to bring P.E tshirt.
so did P.E with home clothes.
only did the sit and reach today.
nasib baik aku pakai seluar.
so went home with ain,nurul,wirdy and gader.
then gi main playground kejap.
then after that balik.
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:04 PM

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
school was super no good today.
teachers are all in a no good mood.
in the morning ms tan and mrs ang went in to class.
then nxt got maths.
was splited into two groups.
so not in the same group as ain,gader,rushdy and others.
so sat with rebecca during maths.
so went to bully the teacher who taught us maths.
then nxt lesson was mother tongue.
this part damn suay.
didn't do mly hw.
then cikgu ask who never do.
so name kena write.
firdaus nye mulut suay ah.
die lah ckp cikgu nanti dpt tau i nvr do hw.
then after school need meet cikgu.
then nxt recess.
starting from today, the class need to sit together.
mepek ah.
then nxt art.
did nothing but talk with wirdy.
then after that science.
paling tk bgos skali.
tu mr singh masok class.
then he ask why i came in class late
padahal i went back to my class and take my bag.
paiseh ke pe.
then had english.
nxt LiVE lesson.
change sitting plan again.
so i sat in the second row.
no more first row(:
then sol msg me while i having lesson.
so msg him and we msg2.
then after school went to meet cikgu hamzah.
then rupenye tk kene mrh lah.
cume cikgu kasi lgi satu chance.
kene hantar hw by 2mrw.
so after that tk de jazzfunk.
then went to kfc to eat wif rushdy and wirdy.
then duduk2 kat situ dgn drg with 'rashidah' and 'aminah'
then after that went home.
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:42 PM

Friday, July 3, 2009
het hey peoples in the world(:
not in the mood to post anything today because nothing happened in sch today.
so won't talk much.
so will end today post with no stories.
will be posting soon ok(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:10 PM

Thursday, July 2, 2009
school was super sian today.
nothing good happened today.
like what lah.
mrs koh keep complaining about our class behavior to miss tan and mrs ang.
and we was lectured by the both of them for 1 hour.
and we was supposed to stand for approximately 1 hour.
leg very pain.
and the class make a 2N1 pledge to prove that we will change our attitude and will be humble.
a big job to do.
cannot break the promise.
once break miss tan and mrs ang won't believe us already.
if we still never change our attitude, we need to recite the pledge loudly at the parade square.
so must change lor.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:20 PM

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
school was as usual today.
nothing much happening around me.
and yah today he wear his ncc uniform.
abg oi.
malu ke pe.
anyway u still look handsome in your ncc uniform ok(;
early in the morning the whole class had a very bad day already.
miss fauziah came in to class and shouted at us because we did not take our pledge as we were all busy changing our seating places.
ms tan ask us to change.
and we did not know that the P.A system had say out the pledge.
then she went in to class to scold all of us.
then everybody was standing with two legs already.
maybe not everybody.
but i did stand with two legs.
and she hit my ass using her book or file.
damn wat le.
then the whole class see me like what already.
then had maths.
lesson as usual.
ain relax eh.
pompan tu mmg slalu gitu.
nk flirt dgn org.
relax je ain.
then science had quiz.
main buat je.
tcher say don't copy.
end up everybody copying each other paper.
then cikgu malas nk layan.
die buat bodoh je.
then after that recess.
nurul nk duduk sgt dgn pei nee because nk tgk botak.
botak is refering to someone.
then ain tgk bibik.
then end up nenek bibik tgk ain.
then ain teros lari gi class.
then after recess had history.
history the tcher very the boring lah.
the tcher teach i can sleep lah.
she teach so damn slow.
she talk ready then pause for don't know how many minutes.
then talk again for 3 minutes then paused again.
then geography and english lesson was hell today.
ms tan suddenly came in to class when Mrs Koh was teaching us.
so damn bad luck today my class.
then during geograhpy lesson me,jie en,pei nee and ain was looking on something.
and we was like 'Nolah! don't have lah.'
then jie en was like 'Got abit lah.'
funny sia.
then i was sitting in the front then jie en was asking me to help her see.
Jie en: Khairiyyah help me see if have or not.
Khairiyyah: Don't have lah.
Jie en: Got abit lah.
Khairiyyah: Where got.
then the story goes on and on.
then ivan heard our talking.
then he say we very disgusting.
then mrs koh anyhow call me names.
you got no rights to call me names ok.
my mother never even call me names and you call me names.
although you are a teacher.
but i still don't care because i won't be bothered to know.
at least you know your own limits that's good for me.
and home econs class was so damn best lah.
tcher very funny.
and i got shao shiong as my partner for home econs.
the emo guy.
will try to make him to become a cheerful person.
and mother tongue was also fun today.
kacau cikgu hamzah.
fun lah kacau cikgu.
and cikgu kene LOA.
that's why he never come to school.
then cikgu tell us the whole story.
then we change to another topic.
talk about why man can marry more than 1 wife.
then cikgu tell the whole story.
then here the conversation goes.
Cikgu Hamzah: Ade satu negeri nie die lelaki die kurang.
at that point of time i wasn't paying attention.
i only heard the word 'kurang'.
then i suddenly ask cikgu.
Khairiyyah: Cikgu! kurang ape?
The whole class: (started laughing) Khairiyyah! kau eh.
Khairiyyah: Ape? aku tk dgr ape cikgu ckp.jdi aku tanye kurang ape lah.
Cikgu Hamzah: Kurang lelaki lah.
Rohani: (seating beside me) Kau tk pay attention kan.kau ngah dreaming eh.
Khairiyyah: A'ah lah.aku ingat kurang ape seh.
then the story goes on and on.
then ain tk abis2 dgn 'Cikgu bedek seh'.
then cikgu disturb ain.
cikgu say that ain always lie to people.
so that's why she thought that everybody also lying.
then after school went home with nurul and wirdy.
then while waiting for bus saw zulhilmi in bus 57.
and also heard someone calling my name from bus 59 and it was shahrul.
sori shahrul tk nmpk kau ah...
and now my nose is really super itchy.
and haziq if you never come to school tomorrow i will flood your hp with msges.
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:24 PM