Friday, October 30, 2009
i not sure this is my number what post for today.
so yes.
just came back from air rifle shoot at catholic high.
last minute one.
in the end reach there xin xia ma'am over there redi.
but then she need go early.
so i took the 4th round one.
i think my aiming quite good lah.
good job khairiyyah!
had fun really.
first time doing this kind of thing.
so tomorrow having games day for the area 4 people.
will meet the others again.
but need reach school so early.
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:08 PM
2N1 09
see i so kind help ain post all the pics.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:02 PM
i'm hyper.
so will talk abt yesterday.
what i did yesterday ah?
oh went for dragon boat.
dragon boat was FUN lah.
but then i shouted alot.
pity the person who sat infront of me.
sorry to that person ah.
then after dragon boating,went back to school.
then went to play soccer at esso there with jie en,ivan,reno,kenneth lim,farvees,ekbadin,jin hong,gabriel and jay.
did i miss anyone name out?
i dont think so lah.
so played soccer until 4pm then went home to change and all.
meet mama at interchange.
then went to eat at burger king before going to school for the hong kong briefing.
wiil be going hong kong next wednesday.
and it is like so damn FAST.
i havent pack anything yet sia.
so had the briefing until 6 plus going to 7.
then went home.
so today was the last day of school.
so sad sia.
then had spring cleaning.
need to clean the class.
then got back report book.
fail only 3 subjects.
thought i will fail more than 3 subjects sia.
so after school went 7-11 to buy drinks.
then accompany ain to highlight her hair.
then went central to find something.
and jie en you really want send me at the airport next week?
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:35 PM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
i'm just addicted to this song.
this is what jie en says.
anyway i was so lazy to blog yesterday.
so just blog today lah.
dont want see my blog so rotten like that.
later not nice.
so yesterday nothing much happen.
had public speaking and it was really boring.
so had someone to talk to.
and yes.
i say something stupid to someone yesterday night.
and it really was something stupid.
so yes.
today had the team bulding game.
and it was a foolish one.
our class fought with the trainer.
make us angry only.
then had sec 2 streaming combination.
choose something which really can bring me to somewhere.
after recess had the anger management programme.
slept the whole way.
but woke up lah.
because haziq keep shouting at my ear.
stupid him.
then after school had NP.
went for luch at Mac.
jin heng blanja.
fun sey.
thanks jin heng!
then play the rain.
best ah.
did campcraft.
then after that went home.
tomorrow having dragon boat.
many people not coming.
so sian lor.
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:23 PM

Monday, October 26, 2009
saw this phone.
this is my latest phone that i am using right now.
i'm super happy that at last i get a new phone and also a new number.
if i didn't msg you my new number,i'm totally sorry.
if you want my new number,just ask me in FB or MSN.
so yes.
bought this phone with my own money and now i'm left with $0 with me.
but it's ok.
at least i get what i want.
so today went to school.
had public speaking.
it's really a boring one.
then had recess.
then continue with our world vision work.
made a crad for the vietnamese kids which suffers alot of things around them.
so made a card for them.
although it's not that nice,at least i gave out my heart and soul to did that card for them.
see i so caring.
after school went home with the usual people.
and ain say my mouth salty.
go read her blog if you wanna noe what happen.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:29 PM

Friday, October 23, 2009
went for an outing today.
went to science centre for the omni-max theatre show and also the talk about bears.
was abit sad when people in other worlds are all killing bears away just for their meats and skins.
felt sad but i didn't cry.
ivan said i cry.
then went to the omnitheatre for the movie thing.
it was fun.
i sat in between reno and jie en.
jie en keep disturbing reno from his sleep.
pity him.
i lazy layan them.
i watch the movie better.
then when back to schoo.
slept in the bus like one stupid person.
my head keep going down down down.
till feel like dropping ready.
then jie en disturb me from my sleep.
i sleeping until very syiok ready then she disturb.
nevermind i forgive her.
after school had jazzfunk.
then after that went home.
i really don't understand what is happening to me.
i just don't understand myself.
i just don'k know if i still really like him or not.
if i really do like him,i just don't know if he has the same feelings towards me or not.
i'm just starting to hate myself.
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:40 PM

Thursday, October 22, 2009
i'm crazy today.
you can ask all my friends.
ok.i dont know what happened to me.
so yes.
today had post exam activities.
it was really super lame lah today activity.
especiall the movie part.
Mad About English.
the show ok but its getting boring every minute.
so i don't really watch it but i spent my time talking to ain and rushdy.
and during recess,rushdy becameustaz.
he kkep talking don't know what.
"S ebagai rakyat Malaysia/Singapura,kite harus blah blah blah"
he keep saying this phrase the whole day.
and after the break,we had this debating or something.
its really a boring one.
and i can't stand it.
gader keep irritate me and i feel like slapping him at that point of time.
but i just kept it.
so had deeparaya celebration.
i was becoming mad person at that point of time.
i'm super hyper.
you can go ask wirdy.
and the deeparaya celebration was really a good one.
told you i'm mad today.
so after school had NPCC.
went for it and i kept laughing in NP the whole day.
everyone knows i will always laugh.
so yes.
kept laughing non-stop.
so beware of me tomorrow ok.
just BEWARE.
i can make you become crazy too.
so tomorrow will be going science centre.
like small children like that go science centre.
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:38 PM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
school started today after a long holiday.
because of the deepavali festival.
so today school is like usual.
during reading period many people didn't bring storybook.
so many people had to stand at the front.
the most funny part is syed luqman stand at the front.
then he keep doing funny actions which make many people laugh.
cannot tahan sey.
i keep laughing non stop.
then after that had maths.
need to do correction.
malay class like what like that.
i really HATE it.
i forgot to bring my malay exam papers.
i left it at home as mama went to look at the papers that day.
and i carry that bag which i bring to school when i go out with my family.
so you dont expect me bringing that exam papers everywhere right.
so this cikgu really what lah.
i finish doing my corrections already what.
anyway exams are over lah.
so i didn't bring.
and he punish me,gader and rushdy for not bringng our exam papers.
he make us copy 4 pages of a story from the magazine.
seriously this cikgu super like what lah.
damn pissed off sey.
and sorry to someone.
i not petty ok.
so school ends at 10am.
so after 10am,had briefing abt streaming.
so confused which subjects i wanna take.
need crack brain now.
so after the briefing,went home with nurul,sholihiin and gader.
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:14 PM

Friday, October 16, 2009
today school started as usual.
went to school just to look at my exam papers and meet friends.
got back science section A.
i got 16/30.
quite ok for me.
then malay get paperb 1 and papaer 2 back.
got 47/60 for paper 1 and 67.5 for paper 2.
overall i achieved to get 76/100 for malay.
for geography got only 46/100.
super what lah.
i know i won't pass.
then history more worse.
whole class fail.
only get 23/100.
and it was really like WHAT THE HELL.
then maths no need say ready.
for sure fail.
got only 30/100.
like shit sia this time round exam.
lets see all the other subjects.
and i won't be taking history for Sec 3.
i make up my mind already.
jieen,ivan and reno.
you know i know ok.
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:45 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009
so yesterday accompanied mum for her driving test at yio chu kang.
then saw aunt over there too.
so waited for them to finish their test.
i waited for them until i don't know what to do ready.
i played PSP,do crossword puzzle.
until i don't know what to do.
after mum and aunt finish their driving test,we went to our seperate ways.
me and mum went to tpy.
aunt went back to yishun.
so reached home wait for sister to come home.
then went to Joo Chiat to shop around.
need to find pink colour baju kurung for next month wedding.
nak byk2 kan org pakai baju pink katekan.
so went to bought mne first as i won't be in singapore early next month.
i don't even know if i can reach singapore on time for the wedding.
so after shopping around Joo Chiat,took 26 and went home.
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:40 AM

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:50 PM

Monday, October 12, 2009
at last!
exam is OVER!
i'm super happy.
but cannot totally happy lah.
still need to see my results.
see if pass or not.
must make my parents proud.
so after exam today went for injection at farrer rd.
near jamie house.
then after that went home.
now don't know what to do.
and three days of holidays.
anyone got any plans?
feel like going out but then don't know if can go out or not.
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:32 PM

Thursday, October 8, 2009
had science paper today.
it was really an easy plus hard paper.
managed to answer most of the questions but left 2 blanks because didn'y know how to answer it.
after doing the paper,went to sleep.
didn't get enough sleep the day before.
after paper ends went to eat at the canteen while waiting for the rain to stop.
went home with the usual people.
and got to find out that all my money in my wallet went missing.
this must be that girl who stole it.
if i really get to know who stole it,that person will really get a punch from me.
if really need money just tell me lah.
no need steal rite.
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:38 AM

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
yesterday was maths paper 1.
it was really a super hard paper.
i really do not know how to do it.
i know the steps but i don't know how to write it down.
so did the paper anyhow.
i know that i will fail my maths paper.
and it is written in me and myself already.
i will fail that paper.
mama know that i won't do well for my maths.
so today had history paper.
it was really easy for section A.
but when it comes to section B, i don't know how to do already.
i write down what i know and what i wrote got nothing to do with the questions.
at least write something is better than never write anything.
so need to study for science paper tomorrow.
and i haven't even start in any of the chapter in science.
need to really zoom in everything and put it in my brain.
hope that something will go into my brain.
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:29 AM

Monday, October 5, 2009
today paper was really a hard one.
had goegraphy paper today.
seriously hard to do.
it takes me hours to finish up 1 question.
just kidding.
it took me more than 5 minutes to answer 1 question.
and my left eye is really making me mad.
it started to be watery since last friday.
and today i cannot concentrate on my geog paper.
and i did the paper anyhow.
lucky i finish up the paper just before the time ends.
hope i pass lah.
and today was suppose to watch movie with gader,nurul and ain.
plus rushdy.
but cannot go ah.
mama say now exam.
after exam then can go.
so yes.
maybe after exam then golah.
i see how ok.
now need to study for tomorrow paper.
which is the subject i hate MOST!
so need to study now.
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:02 PM

Thursday, October 1, 2009
today was the starting of exam.
had first exam paper.
it was ok.
managed to finish up paper 1 and 2.
finish doing the paper straight away went to lalaland.
then after both paper,went to mac with ain,nurul,keshini and serene.
the whole mac can hear our laughter.
keshini make all of us laugh.
now need to prepare for tomorrow's paper.
ad it will be mother tongue paper 1 and 2.
wish everyone good luck ok(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:19 PM