Tuesday, November 24, 2009
2nd post of the day.
i'm bored.
so i went to change my blogskin.
and i will be changing to another one soon.
depends on my mood and all.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:51 PM
just being lame.
so yes.
since when i nvr post ah?
i think since saturday afternoon.
so will write about saturday until today.
saturday went for chalet at aloha there.
meet all my aunties and uncles.
all smaller than me!
so went there did nothing.
damn bored.
watch the tv like nobody business.
so went home around 12 plus that day.
then on sunday went for wedding.
and bon voyage to yazid.
faster come back ah.
then went back to the chalet.
went to accompanied sibs to the swimming pool.
i nvr swim but in the end i also wet.
all thanks to my sister.
then went to eat.
then watch tv.
then around 7 plus went home.
yesterday did nothing but stayed at home.
then went back to school for dance practice.
then around 5 plus went home.
then at home do nothing.
then today also do nothing.
so boring lor my story.
who want read can read.
who dont want nvm.
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:34 PM

Saturday, November 21, 2009
aching aching everywhere.
damn tired sey the kayaking course yesterday.
today should be going for the continuation of the kayaking course but i'm sick and i cannot get up from bed this morning.
so i didn't want to force myself to go for the kayaking course.
damn scary lah.
need capsized in the middle of the sea.
and i couldn't do it as i have fear of water.
yesterday morning went to meet pamela at toa payoh mrt station.
took mrt to kallang.
meet the others over there.
then walk to the kallang water what what place.
then went to change and all.
carry the boat and paddle.
then went into the water.
paddle paddle until i don't know what i paddle.
i paddle the boat keep turning round and round like merry go round.
then after that we went to the beach to put our boat and paddle there.
then we need to swim from the shore to the middle of the sea.
i swim like what like that.
then cannot breathe ready.
lucky got meng teck and the others who help me.
my PDF coming out.
that's why i cannot swim properly.
then need do the capsized thingy.
this one i hate most.
i capsized two times still cannot do properly.
then i fed up lah.
i already cannot swim.
then i got fear of water.
still ask me capsized.
then capsized they say wrong.
then i don't care already lah.
then we paddle until the other end.
then went for lunch at beach road market there.
then after that went back to the beach.
suddenly start to rain.
i happy lah.
i don't want paddle ready what.
then in the end need paddle again.
then need do the rescue thingy.
in the middle of the sea somemore.
then i scared what.
so i never do.
the instructor force me to do.
i give him alot of excuses.
in the end he surrender already.
around 6 like that we finish everything.
then reach home around 7 plus.
went home with pamela.
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:13 PM

Thursday, November 19, 2009
what a boring day today.
thought of playing soccer at blk 8 there with brother and friends but then end up raining.
so plan cancel.
stupid lah.
i haven't do any of the homeworks given and i'm super lazy to do it.
do for what right.
stupid lor.
tomorrow having kayaking.
saturday also.
going with pamela.
need wake up so damn early lor.
and yah.
why faizal isa is went out yesterday in SI.
stupid lah.
he so damn good you know.
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:19 PM

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
there's this person who keep kacau me today.
he ah.
damn what u noe.
go disturb me in my tagboard redi.
then still wan fake2 ask me if he can see my blog or nt.
i smack ur face then u noe ah.
see redi then go laugh like nobody business like that in MSN.
stupid him.
then still say i not human because i purple in colour.
then he what colour.
♥our lips must always be sealed
1:23 PM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
had NPCC last friday.
and also went to see the streaming results.
i went in to 3N2 and i got geog and DNT.
and the class only got less than 30 people.
so the what lor.
so after seeing the results,went home to change.
pamela and teng teng accompanied me home.
thanks people.
then went back to school to find the others.
then they so slow.
so i drag teng teng along with me.
we go walk walk around the tpy estate.
then around 11 plus meet the others at mac.
went to eat.
then went back school to talk about the proposal.
then had campcraft.
until 5.30pm then went home with teng teng.
then saturday where i go ah.
see forgot redi.
cannot remember lah.
remember redi.
went for bbq at sembawang there.
mama company did bbq.
then went home around 6 plus.
watch soccer.
i became like mad people shouting shouting.
then sunday went great grandma house for something.
then papa bring us to changi.
usual place lor.
so long never go there redi.
then went home.
watch tv.
then yesterday went out to have breakfast at F&S.
khaiyirah didn't school cos she sick.
then she ask we all bring her go there.
sick also want go out.
then went home.
played com.
did the proposal.
then went to sleep.
didn't went out.
at home do nothing.
today didn't went out.
lazy lah.
so at home do nothing.
rotting lah.
sorry didnt wish you all that day.
i forgot ah.
sori eh.
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:23 PM

Thursday, November 12, 2009
2012 was FUN!
went to watch 2012 at AMK Hub with jie en,yvette,reno,aaron and kenneth lim.
went to buy the tickets first.
then went to eat at the AMK central there.
so long never go AMK redi.
so yah.
the movie was overall fun lah.
from rate 1-5 i give 5!
the movie damn cool lah.
i cr abit only.
not alot lah.
not like yvette like that.
so yeah.
tomorrow need go back school to take streaming results.
then got NPCC.
so won't be at home the whole day.
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:25 PM

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:02 PM