Wednesday, April 28, 2010
i want to be like a cloud.
free from anything.
i don't want to talk about that friendship thingy because i know i'm not in the wrong.
i didn't say anything.
if you think i had said something and you believe him,go on with it.
i never stop you from doing so.
at least i have the guts to apologize to you although i never did the stupid thing.
and don't said that i said something to his friend beacuse I DIDN'T EVEN DO IT AT ALL!
so its up to you to say ah.
whatever you think.
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:02 PM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
being sick is such a disaster.
i hate being sick.
i need to skip school.
and then need to see the doctor and waste my parents money.
the doctor will give me a few days MCs.
and i will miss alot of lesson and i won't do well in my studies.
if i do not do well in my studies,my parents will scold me.
if they scold me i will get upset and blame myself for everything.
it such a bore to stay at home doing nothing.
you need to eat alot of pills to cure your sickness.
the fee for seeing the doctor is not cheap at all.
so i really don't want to get sick again.
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:39 PM
i didnt update my blog for quite a long time due to many trainings and alot of eventsgoing on.
only today have time to update my blog.
so will talk about last week.
monday had meeting and minutes.finish everything at 5 plus but then it rained.
so need to wait for the rain to stop.
then tuesday had what ah?
i forgot le.
i know something got to do with NPCC.
then wednesday had dry shoot at HTA.
went there for the briefing and blah blah blah.
reached school around 6 plus.
thursday had live shoot at HTA.
the shooting damn scary can.
but lucky quite alot of people pass from our squad.
reached school around 7 plus.
then reached home around 8.
friday had Annual Awards.
it was so 'BOOMZ' you know.
i love the parade segment alot because we did very well for it.
and then went to watch the consert and the prize award.
i like it alot alot alot man :DDD
so reached home around 9 plus and mum nag at me already.
so yah.
weekends went out with family.
then today start school.
got nothing much happen.
so yah.
its up to you to decide.
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:21 PM
qian wen pictures so cute hor.so who take lah.me right? haha! today sec 3 squad went to tanglin police division again lah.for the second time man.and we did the same thing.walk around the place.see see.look look.after going there,went back to school to join the others in the parade.the camp committee talk about the camp stuffs.then the others went to play camptain ball.around 6 plus went home.an and and.i got back my chemstry test paper back.i got 11/20. i pass! WEE.... is so happy.today was a ok ok day lah for me.nothing more to talk about.and i won't post so much this few weeks.
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:17 PM